Meeting result

"Now? Do you not need to relax?" Daryl questioned.

"I don't know what I will be doing with my time while relaxing like you said" Logan placed emphasis on the 'relaxing'

"You don't have to go with me, stay back and make lunch for yourself or you can go back to the Blue Carter's mansion" Logan opined.

"I can wait for you if you are going to come back here before you go home" Daryl replied.

"Prepare the lunch for two and keep mine then"

"Yes Blue, noted" Daryl replied and Logan nodded his head, attempting to leave the living room.

"One last question" Daryl walked up to him, blocking Logan from moving to the door.

"Are you sure it's the last one? You ask too many questions Daryl" Logan gave that reply while Daryl laughed.

"I am serious, this is really the last one" he defended as Logan nodded his head as a gesture for him to go on.

"You are going to get your father in-law released? How do you plan on doing that?" Daryl questioned.

"That won't be a problem, I know a few judges an
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