Shame and embarrassment

Logan tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for her to speak but didn't hear anything from her. Ava just stared down while fidgeting and opening and closing her mouth like someone who is lip-syncing.

She was truly scared for some reasons Logan wasn't sure about. The old Ava wouldn't hesitate to say anything to him with her little smart mouth, where did that Ava go to? Has the fact that their lives are not the same anymore sunk into her brain and changed her personality? Although it's odd, if anything, Logan never thought that Ava would change being her because she grew up that way.

"I have other things to do Miss Hilton" Logan added. He checked his time to see that half an hour had passed. Ava's heart sank deeper in disappointment as he heard him call her by her surname. He is drawing the kind between them for her to know her limit.

" you want to drink? I will go and get it for you" She stuttered which made Logan baffled. Ava wants to order a drink for her. That's very
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