I want your wife!

Harrison wanted to reply, but her sudden appearance left him speechless. Everyone's eyes were glued to them as they hurriedly reached the inside.

“We are sorry, mother. We arrived late” Caroline apologized, but it wasn’t like she would be listened to.

Rachel, who wanted to yell again, turned mute after trailing her eyes down the dress Caroline was wearing. How the hell did they get that dress? How dare she wear something that expensive to this place? She stood quietly, mulling over her thoughts.

When Harrison and his wife reached where she was, Caroline wanted to bow as a sign of greeting, but Harrison quickly dragged her inside and Rachel snapped out of her thoughts.

“Do you know how much that dress is worth?”

“How about the necklace? That is a jade necklace she is wearing. How on earth could she afford that?”

“Just who are these people? Are you sure they are from the Samson family?”

Everyone was talking in the great white hall. The place was lit with flashing lights hanging from on
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