The Weight of Expectations

Hunter had always been good at pretending. Outwardly, he was confident, suave, and self-assured, presenting the perfect image of a young man destined for greatness. But beneath that polished surface lay a deeply rooted insecurity that had haunted him since childhood. The absence of a father figure during his most formative years left a void that Hunter had desperately tried to fill with achievements, social validation, and eventually, business success.

Even back in high school, Hunter had never truly fit in, despite his efforts to be part of the popular crowd. The jocks and socialites may have let him hang around, but it wasn’t because they valued him—it was because he was the smart kid who could help them pass exams and complete assignments. For them, Hunter was more of an accessory, useful only for his brains and resources. And for a time, Hunter convinced himself that proximity to popularity was enough to cover up the loneliness he felt inside.

College wasn’t much different. He
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