Unravelling Schemes

Patricia sat in her dimly lit study, her fingers tapping rhythmically on the polished mahogany desk. The room was filled with the scent of freshly brewed coffee, but the bitter taste of resentment lingered in her mind. Weeks of scheming with Ava had led them to this point. The groundwork had been laid: whispers in the right ears, planted doubts in the minds of the board members, and calculated rumours designed to paint Hunter as a ruthless and manipulative leader. They were confident that the seeds they had sown would soon bear fruit. But Patricia couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling gnawing at her. For all their efforts, Hunter had yet to show any signs of cracking.

Across town, Ava was busy playing her part. She had reconnected with some of Hunter’s old acquaintances from college and strategically let slip comments about how he was always distant, cold, and more interested in personal gain than genuine relationships. “He’s always been like that.” she would say with a practiced sigh,
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