Now in Harvard!

Are you sure about this?" Mr Cameron asked Cassie for the umpteenth time.

"Yes dad." she acknowledged with a nod and went on stirring her tea with a spoon in circles.

Her father sighed and went for the toasted bread on the dining table. "I can't promise you Cassie but I'll speak to a few of my contacts and get back to you."

Cassie rose to her feet, pulled out her chair and rushed to her father. She wrapped her arms around him from behind. "Thank you so much, dad."

"As I said, it's not a promise but I'll see what I can do about it." 

Cassie smiled and returned to her seat.

After pondering about it several times, Cassie had just requested that her father have her transferred from the state university to Harvard.

She smiled and took a sip from her tea mug, praying that the process works. 

When her father demanded the reason for requesting the transfer, Cassie had lied to him that she wasn't getting the best from the state university and she'll only get the standard of education she desires when she moves to Harvard.

Cassie is positive that her transfer process is going to be hitch-free. All her father has to do is place the call and she'll submit a few required documents. Luckily, it's a new academic session and inter-university transfers are in progress.


A week later, Ken was taking a stroll with Mark around the college garden when he caught a glimpse of Miranda cuddling up with Charlie by the water fountain.

He quickly turned away.

"Are you okay?" Mark demanded after noticing the sudden change in his countenance.

"I'm good," he replied with a fake smile and fastened his steps, hoping to get away before they see him.

Cassie had called Ken that morning, informing him that she'll be dropping by in Harvard with a  surprise. They had agreed to meet in one of the school gardens at 5 pm. If he had known that he was going to bump into Charlie and Miranda that evening in the garden, he would have suggested another venue to Cassie.

Mark was about to ask Ken why Cassie was taking so long to arrive when they heard applause behind them. The boys turned around.

Charlie created the applause. Miranda's hand was locked up in his. He had noticed the moment Ken hurried past them so he pulled Miranda toward him so they can tease him again.

"Let's go mark," Ken told Mark after noticing that it was Charlie who alerted them.

"Are you following us around?" Charlie blurted after a smirk.

Miranda was chewing a piece of gum, her hazel eyes roving around Ken.

"Following you around? Who the hell do you think you guys are?" Ken retorted.

Mark was lost. He could tell that a couple had just confronted them but he didn't know who they were or what they wanted.

He leaned toward Ken and whispered. "Who are these guys?"

"Well, I'm Charlie." the blonde haired began and pointed to Miranda. "This is my girlfriend Miranda. She was Ken's ex from high school back in Boston."

Ken sighed and shook his head. Why is Charlie being Petty? he wondered.

"Ok..ay" Mark slowly replied.

"You see, the thing is Ken won't just let go of my girl. He can't get over the fact that she dumped his broke ass." Charlie yelled.

Miranda broke into a dry laugh and wrapped her arms around Charlie.

There were dozens of students littered in the garden and Ken knew that if Charlie doesn't stop screaming, he was going to be humiliated before a large crowd.

Ken stared at Miranda in disgust. She flipped her hair and went on chewing her gum loudly. Ken wondered whether Charlie knew that the reason why she had stopped him a week ago was to extend a hand of friendship but now, Charlie thinks he's the one bothering her.

Charlie loosened his grip on Miranda and moved closer to Ken. "Stay away from my girl or I'm going to break your bones." he threatened.

"You are so pathetic." Ken retorted, staring Charlie straight in the eyes.

Charlie was taken aback by Ken's bold response. "Are you daring me?" he yelled at Ken's face with clenched fists.

Ken broke into a laugh. "Go to hell." 

"What's going on here?" Cassie's voice came fluttering into the scene.

She strode toward them pressing a file to her chest. She had just arrived at the school garden and was about to call Ken when she saw him standing beside a boy, backing Miranda and Charlie.

Miranda curled her lips in irritation and moved closer to Charlie. 

Cassie stood in between Mark and Ken with a smile.

"Well, seems like your fake girlfriend has a way of showing up just on time right?" Charlie commented.

Cassie smiled and flipped her left palm at Miranda's face so she can catch a glimpse of her luxurious ring.

"Fake girlfriend?" she said and swung her head from left to right.

"Cut the crap!" Miranda sharply cut in. "We all know you are acting. Don't you even have things to do? I mean, you are always hovering around Ken."

Cassie moved closer to Miranda and flashed the file she was holding with her right hand to her face. "He's my boyfriend miss. I can be with him anytime I wish."

Mark was silent as a tomb.

"I can be with my girlfriend anytime." Ken stepped up. He moved closer and wrapped his hand around Cassie's waist.

"Well, it seems she's jobless and has nothing to do lately. Is she even a student?" Miranda fired back.

Cassie ignored the statement and turned to Ken with a smile. She presented the file to him.

Ken opened the file while the rest watched keenly. His eyes widened in excitement when he saw the title of the document.

"You've just been transferred to Harvard?" Ken screamed in excitement and pulled Cassie into a hug.

Charlie and Miranda were star-struck. 

Mark smiled and gave Ken a soft punch on the shoulder after he broke off his embrace with Cassie.

"Well, seems like someone's girl just moved to town."

Miranda was speechless. She had always thought that Ken and Cassie were acting all this while but right now, she wasn't sure if she could still hold on to that narrative. If they were faking the relationship, Cassie wouldn't have transferred from her school to Harvard. That was a risk far too much to take.

"Well, it seems like you guys will be seeing more of me around," Cassie told Charlie and Miranda. "Now, I'm a full-time student here." She turned to Ken. "Baby, should I apply for hostel accommodation or rent an apartment so we can live together?"

"Why don't we talk about that on our way to the cafe? We need to celebrate your successful transfer to Harvard." Ken replied.

He held Cassie's hand. They turned around and began walking away together with Mark leaving behind the stunned Charlie and Miranda.

"Seems like we underestimated that bitch." Miranda told Charlie.

"I don't fucking care." He yelled and looked at their vanishing figures. "That boy dared me."

Miranda sighed. She knows how Charlie reacts once his ego is bruised.

"So what are you going to do?"

"That boy has no idea of what I have in store for him," Charlie replied after a smirk.

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