Chapter 16

"Get out of the car," a police officer said to us.

Terry came out of his car and it was

now remaining for me to come out.

"I can't believe a police officer had the guts to tell me to get out in the middle of the road... Like what the fuck?" I curse under my tone.

If I was to see his name, he might lose his job" I said in my thoughts.

"Ma'am please step out from the car, as this car does not belong to you," the police officer said to me.

"Why do you want me to step out of my boyfriend's car," I said to the officer looking at him up and down.

"Ma'am I need you to step out of this car, now," he said to me sounding commanding.

"I do not consent to searches," I said to him looking away.

"Stella, this is a police officer in front of you, just step out of the car and let him search," Terry said to me looking deep into

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