Chapter 67

'Honey you are a rock

Upon which I stand

And I come here to talk

I hope you understand

That green eyes

Yeah the spotlight, shines upon you

And how could anybody deny you

I came here with a load

And it feels so much lighter

Now I met you

And honey you should know

That I could never go on without you

Green eyes-'

Coldplay's green eyes blared through my headset as I trudged on to school. The morning sun shone through bright clouds, lighting up the azure sky, a nice change from the obsidian sky after a rainy night. It was a perfect day... Well...not until a certain white convertible out of no where, sped past me, splashing murky water on me. 

'HEY!!!' I yelled as I stomped my right foot in exasperation, causing my headset to slide down, hanging on my neck. 

Familiar cackles rang through the air along with Spanish expletives. 

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