Chapter 68

On getting to the workshop, I spotted Allen scribbling on his log book.

I kept my distance, knowing he was probably still mad at me.

I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my workshop coat, letting my eyes scan the workshop.

Heavy machines were mounted at different sections of the workshop. Metal chips were seen scattered about and oil stains spotted the floor.

I felt like I was being watched, until my eyes locked with a pair of familiar azure eyes. Allen Briggs'.

I turned away quickly, the uneasy feeling still swimming in the pit of my stomach. I wasn't ready to face him yet.

I still felt bad about what happened earlier today. 

I was lost in my thoughts until a familiar tug pulled on my lab coat.

'Hey Annie!' Amber chirped.

'Hey Amber' I flashed her a weak smile.

'You okay?' She asked, squinting her eyes in scrutiny, causing her glasses to slip down her nose a little.

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