Chapter 244:

The following morning, Justin's initial shock at being captured faded in comparison to the scene before him. The cell door opened, and he was led outside to witness the full horror of the place. Before him lay a miniature plantation world, with endless rubber forests and vast cotton fields. Shouts and screams filled the air, accompanied by the crack of whips. Countless people were forced into labor, their bodies withered, and sweat pouring under the artificial sun.

Justin broke into a cold sweat, never imagining the King would create such a place—a prison but also a site of forced labor. He was pushed toward another cell, and the heavy metal door slammed shut behind him.

This time, he decided to stay quiet for a while, waiting for Ricard to leave. When Ricard's footsteps faded, he slowly sat up and looked around the dark cell. The adjacent cells were empty; the prisoners were taken for labor, leaving him alone. He was confined for several consecutive days, each day a struggle against
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