The moment Liam stepped into his bedroom, the exhaustion from tonight's event finally came striking him hard and throwing him into the bed, with a tired sigh, he landed heavily on his soft bed as he hummed in satisfaction.

The night had been a long night and Liam felt great that everything they had planned was executed successfully even though it had been a rough ride. There were times during the fight when as he threw punches and kicks he would wonder to himself how he even got to that point and why he was there to begin with.

But then, he also had to remind himself that it all started with Chorro himself and whatever that old wag was going through, he deserved. Not only did he throw threats at Liam when he barely even started work as the new CEO, but he had planned to attack both the company, himself, and Alexander and take what wasn't his.

Thankfully, he would never get to succeed because Liam was way stronger than anything Chorro would ever.

After a short silence in his bed
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