Yes Or No?

The men straightened up their appearances in the face of such a dashing lady.

Madam Sure smirked, seeing their flustered look.

What lady doesn't like the feeling of knowing she would cause accidents with her beauty alone?

She glanced at the tied-up bodies on the floor with bags over their heads, calmly scrutinizing their arms and other visible parts.

'It doesn't look like they have any deep wounds.'


It's going to cost the casino money to extract such fresh meat. But with her feminine words, she was sure to make these men drop your asking price by half.

This, she was confident of.

With a love-struck expression, she glanced at the one who seemed to be the leader, looking away with a rosy blushing face.

So cute!~

Many inwardly screamed, watching her scramble to 'put' herself together.

"Gentlemen... I was told you have some goods for use?"

F*** me sideways!

Was this her voice or that of an angel speaking?

The men were already afloat in her web, not kno
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