125: The Escape

I went back and sat down on my earlier seat.

My mom came out of the bathroom after a few minutes.

Her face was wet. She probably washed her face so that she could hide the fact that she was crying. But her red eyes gave it away. The pain was still there in her face.

I handed her the towel lying on the sofa. She dried her face with that and shortly after the old hag came in.

I took out my phone and started scrolling through the feed on social media. Though I was still paying keen attention to the old hag.


Just then I noticed the two of them make eye contact. It was nothing unusual but it definitely caught my attention.

The time was 3 in the morning. I ended up staying awake all night today.

“Furukawa-san, why don’t you stay till morning? You probably are hungry with all the speaking and work. I will whip up something quickly and you can take a short nap to give some rest to your body till the morning.”

“Hmm.” The old hag seemed to be thinking about her proposal and eventually, she
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