A hundred years ago, the Great War broke out between the world powers, spanning across continents and wreaking untold havoc on the Earth.

It was during this period that the Rift occurred, a visible tear in the space between the human world and the Veil of supernatural entities.

Some say it was caused by the cataclysms and cosmic shootouts from the war. Others speculate that there were those who wanted to go beyond the physical world for help, and some mishap must have happened. And there are still those who believe curiosity and hidden experiments to harness the Veil's power pushed it through to our world.

Either way, the Rift and the emergence of a translucent force field brought significant changes to the world. It granted abilities to humans who had been close to the Veil at the time of its appearance, but it also trapped and mutated others into what they called Anomalies.

And when the original creatures or spirits of the Veil possessed those Anomalies, they gave rise to what was known as Entities.

That was why the humans who had been gifted abilities came together to form the Order of The Maegen Elite (or Wardens, as the average citizen called them). They protected the world from what might emerge from the Veil, Anomalies and Entities alike.

But even within the Order, there existed their own anomalies.


Reon Rudson was his name, but he had been unanimously called Neon since he joined the Order as a Hunter. This was due to the fact that his tekhan was colorless, the only crystal tekhan in fact, but it glowed a distinctive red in the heat of battle.

He was an anomaly on his own, being the only one possessing a crystal tekhan and an increasing amount of abilities in his arsenal.

He stood at the porch of the house closest to the scene unseen, hands tucked in his pockets as he surveyed the scene.

The villagers were all indoors now, watching from closed curtains and slightly opened doors.

Men in red coats with the Maegen crest, from the Damage Control department, were all over the place; dousing the fire, taking notes, sealing off the area. His report had been taken seriously, after all.

Presently, someone was approaching. He turned to find a tall, dark-haired woman with striking blue eyes that were fixed on him as she walked up the steps to the house. She wore an equally blue coat with the crest as well, though the cuffs were white, indicating her rank as a director.

"How are you, creepy boy?" She asked, raising a brow.

"I really wish you'd stop calling me that, Norrie," he sighed.

"Well, half the department thinks that you are, and I'm not seeing any reason not to."

He shook his head and returned his attention to the scene. "How about the Horned?"

"Our Exorcists have taken him back to the Veil. All's clear in that aspect, at least."

He clicked his tongue. "There was something different about that particular one. It seemed…stronger."

"HE seemed stronger," she said quickly, "They're living beings, not items."

"Well, that doesn't describe the Anomalies and Entities I've been hunting."

It was her turn to shake her head. "Your power level…"

"I'm good. Didn't use much of it today."

She nodded, her face suddenly assuming the stern expression of a Warden Director.

"Good news is there were no casualties, just a burnt pub and a shitload of investment."

Neon turned. "Any eyewitnesses?"

"Mareo already spoke with a couple of them. Apparently, everything was fine until one of the drunks took it upon himself to trouble the stranger in the corner. And all hell went loose. Literally."

"And no one saw it…" She gave him a look. "...saw HIM before the incident?"

"None, so far. It's a large village, with lots of people." She tapped his arm. "Come on, you've got to get back to HQ and make a report. We've got an Entity on the loose."

He bit his lower lip in thought, worrying it gently as he squinted up at the sky where the creature had disappeared with fire…


He turned when she called his full name, and she leaned up, dropping a peck on his cheek.

"You did enough today. Now come on. I want you to treat me to dinner today."


The Headquarters was smack in the middle of New Hope City, a twenty-story building that stood out as a major landmark.

The city itself had been built around it, in fact, for the better part of the last fifty years. Well ahead in technological advancements and the capital of Aethoria. New Hope City was ideal in every way possible.

By the time Neon got back to the Headquarters, everyone had known about the appearance of an Anomaly and an Entity. He could hear and see it in their expressions as he took the elevator to the last floor.

A few cubicles occupied the room in front of him and the people that milled about wore a darker shade of blue cloaks, unanimously called Workers.

A few of them spotted him and began their whispers. It was rare to see the Alpha-rank Hunter back at HQ, but he was sure there was something else to what they were talking about…

They probably would have gone on that way if Norrie hadn't stepped out of the elevator behind him.

"What's this, a party? Back to work, everybody," she snapped, and they bustled back to their cubicles.

"You'd think they'd have stopped ogling at you by this point," she said to Neon.

"I'm not sensing jealousy, am I?"

Before she could reply, a Worker walked up to him, breathless with news. His name was Mikai, and they had both trained in the Academy together.

"Well you don't look like you fought an Entity," he said with a frown as he observed Neon.

"I didn't. You guys are making things up again. What's wrong?"

"But you did capture a Horned," someone chipped in behind them.

"Yes, I…Wait, that's not the point," Neon said and Norrie shot the Worker a frown, sending him back to his position.

"Neon needs to report to the other directors, Mikai," she said.

"Sorry, boss. It's just…well, it's been over a year since any one of those creatures has been spotted last. That's why everyone is a bit excited."

He looked over his shoulder. "Also, there's rumors of another Anomaly showing face in Noderyn."

Neon raised a brow. Noderyn was quite far from the Veil, a city and a town away, in fact. How could one have gotten that far without detection?

"We'll get back on that, Mikai," Norrie said quickly, tugging on Neon's arm, "I'm sure if the rumors are confirmed, he'll be briefed by the directors."

"Another thing," Mikai said, stealing a quick glance at Norrie, "I don't know how true it is, I just heard a couple Workers…"

"What is it, Mik?"

Neon bent slightly as Mikai whispered something to him, and his eyes began to widen slowly.

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