All Chapters of Hunter's Creed: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
15 chapters
"Could you describe the creature that attacked you?" It was 4.56 PM at a police station in New Hope City. The woman on the other side of the desk lowered her head, thinking. There were small cuts on the arm she cradled, and scratch marks were on her face. "I couldn't see, it was too fast." She said, her voice shaking with recollection. "It's okay, ma'am," said the officer, "Anything you remember could be helpful." She lowered her head again. "Okay, had red eyes, yeah. And it had a horn, I think." "Alright. That's very helpful, thanks. Now I need you to follow Mr Linn. Your wounds need to be treated." She nodded gratefully as she rose and Linn led her to the sick bay. Another half hour with her wounds untreated would either leave her with a nasty infection that would require amputation or lead to death. The officer released the worried breath he had been holding since the woman brought her report. Hurriedly, he tapped the red button on his desk, sendin
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A hundred years ago, the Great War broke out between the world powers, spanning across continents and wreaking untold havoc on the Earth. It was during this period that the Rift occurred, a visible tear in the space between the human world and the Veil of supernatural entities. Some say it was caused by the cataclysms and cosmic shootouts from the war. Others speculate that there were those who wanted to go beyond the physical world for help, and some mishap must have happened. And there are still those who believe curiosity and hidden experiments to harness the Veil's power pushed it through to our world. Either way, the Rift and the emergence of a translucent force field brought significant changes to the world. It granted abilities to humans who had been close to the Veil at the time of its appearance, but it also trapped and mutated others into what they called Anomalies. And when the original creatures or spirits of the Veil possessed those Anomalies, they gave rise to wha
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Neon tried hard to mask the disbelief and anger on his face as he stood before the Board of Directors and received instructions for his next mission. He could still hear Mikai's words in his head, and now that these people sitting before him gave him his new assignment, he was sure it wasn't just a rumor anymore. His brother was back. When he left the hall, he let out a harsh swear word, surprising a couple of Workers who were passing by. Mikai was already walking up to him. "Lords, would you look at your face? What went on back there?" Neon blew out air through his lips and headed for the water cooler. "Nothing much," he said, filling a plastic cup, "I turned in my report, and then they debriefed me on my next field mission. Normal procedure." "Okay. Doesn't explain the shit look you're wearing now." Neon swallowed the water in one gulp. "Well, they assigned me a partner. They know I work alone, I made it pretty fucking clear since I joined the Order. But no, they wen
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5.27 PM, THE DAY BEFORE, IN NODERYN. In a quiet bar, in the farthest, darkest reaches of the city, Akira Storm sat by the counter with a mug of ale. She did not possess the looks of the average lady, at least not with her hood pulled up over her head as it was now. Other than her slender build and long fingers, there wasn't any other indication that she was a lady. Once in a while, she expanded her senses, taking in the environment without turning or looking. There were just two men at the table behind her, and the bartender was sitting on his perch, reading a book. Otherwise, it was quiet. Just as she liked it. "You are very difficult to find." Akira turned slightly. The intruder was a heavyset woman with dark hair and a stony face. She wore a gray jacket and her jeans looked worn. Her scent was a mixture of spirits and sweat and dried figs, as far as Akira could smell. If there was any malicious intent, she couldn't sense it. At least, not yet. "Don't worry, I'm
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10.21 PM, THE PRESENT, NEW HOPE CITY. The twins both sat on the second compartment of a whizzertrain bound for Noderyn. It was a less conspicuous way to travel, and they both blended in with casual cardigans and shades. "How many years has it been? Since we've been there?" Hikaru asked Neon. "I don't know," Neon said. He took off his glasses and eyed his brother sitting opposite him. "You didn't have to wear the same thing as I did." Hikaru stared down at his white cardigan and cream jeans. In opposition, Neon's entire outfit was black. "You have a great fashion sense. I had to indulge you." "You can't see the writing on the wall, can you?" "Oh, I can." Hikaru took off his glasses too. Again, Neon thought he was staring into a mirror, but with longer hair and sharper eyes. "You don't want me anywhere near you, that much is clear." He nodded. "You're not so insensitive after all." "But I am a Hunter, one of the best there is. And I've been tasked with capturing a deathly
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She turned slightly, revealing a lock of silver hair. "This doesn't concern you. Please, leave." "You're killing her," Neon pointed out, "And if you want information, you can't get it from a dead person." "Right, well maybe I don't want information anymore and maybe I want her dead." He clicked his tongue. Trouble was something he actively avoided, but right now, he wasn't so sure it wanted to avoid him. "Let her down, and tell me about the Entity you fought," he said. She turned again, and with his heightened senses he could see the sharp outline of her cheekbones, her nose, her dark green eyes. He could also smell her rage, slow and controlled. "You're with the Maegen, aren't you? A Warden." She said softly. Above her, the woman's eyes were shutting close, as her breaths started slowing down. Neon held out his index finger, aimed up at her hand and fired. A thin blue bolt shot out, hitting her on the wrist. She released the woman with a slight hiss, dropping her t
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She scoffed and raised her head. "Let me guess, you were sent after the Entity?" "Answer the question." "Or what?" Neon sighed, rubbing his nose between his thumb and index. "I can force the information out of you. It's quite nasty, but not impossible." "Go ahead," she said, "Break your rules. It won't be the first time you Hunters have gone unorthodox." He stared at her for a few seconds, and she thought he was the coldest person she had stared at, blank faced and unpredictable. He wouldn't torture her, no but she had a feeling he could do something worse and was contemplating it. She did not want to know what it was. "Oh for Lords' sake." The golden haired one stepped forward, tipping the glass of water toward her lips. "Here, have a sip. You must be thirsty." She hesitated, but couldn't completely ignore the coolness coming off the liquid. She lowered her head and drank steadily until the cup was empty. "There." He twirled the chair properly and sat in fron
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Hikaru walked up coffee table and placed his palm on the edge. The glass glowed blue in response, casting a visual image of the area around the house. He watched for a while with a beer in one hand, as Neon checked his bearings outside. Then he got on one of the mobikes and took off, out of sight of the cameras. "You are one hell of a brother," Hikaru muttered and took a swig of his beer. "Hey, douchebags! You've got a lady in here, remember?! And I've got to use the fucking toilet!" His brows shot up in his head as though he only just remembered his captive. He took out another bottle in addition to the one he held and headed into the adjoining room. Her expression hardened as soon as he walked in. ‘She didn't expect to see me,' he thought. He couldn't sense any emotion coming off her, as opposed to the fear that had leaked off her earlier. "I'm impressed," he said, "Youmask your feelings properly." He set the bottles on the bed and took a knife out of his ba
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« ASSESSMENT » ROGUE HUNTERS GAMMA-RANK COMBAT ALERT: LETHAL FORCE IMMINENT He scoffed. "Yeah, no kidding." They attacked simultaneously, with one behind the other. He moved backwards, dodging their strikes with quick, subtle movements. «COUNTER MEASURES» ENTER CLOSE COMBAT ACTIVATE DEFENSE SHIELD DEPLOY LONG-RANGE ATTACKS ACTIVATE SPECIAL ABILITY ALL-OUT OFFENSIVE EMPLOY STEALTH MODE "All-out offensive does sound good. Any other options?" The system showed three words: REASON WITH OPPONENTS He chuckled. "Yeah, Lexa, I don't think that's gonna fly at the moment, but let's give it a try." The second Rogue swiped at his head from the side, then switched almost immediately and brought it down on him as he ducked. He propelled backwards in a breeze, landing in a crouch, placing them both in his line of sight. That was close. He looked up. "I'm running out of patience so I'll ask once: who are you, and what do you want?" They didn't reply. Instead, th
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“THE ANOMALIES ARE CLASSIFIED INTO THREE TYPES: HORNED, CLAWED, WINGED….THE BASICS OF WHAT WE HAVE DEDUCED SO FAR ARE THAT ANOMALIES DO NOT GROUP TOGETHER……THAT THEY POSSESS VARYING DEGREES OF INTELLIGENCE….DO NOT REGISTER ANY EMOTION OTHER THAN THE PREDATORY INSTINCT TO SURVIVE.” {A.H ORWYCK, THE WARDEN'S GUIDE TO HUNTING} 9.32 PM, YUGEN CASTLE, THE WASTELANDS. Castle Yugen loomed over the landscape like a dark sentinel, the silent, great testament to a gone age. Its crumbling towers pierced the night sky, twisted plants strangled the ancient stone walls, their gnarled tendrils creeping into the shattered windows. Nothing moved and nothing breathed as far as Neon could tell. He didn't lower his guard even then. He watched and listened and sniffed at the air now and then while he walked up the hillock. He paused at the open gates, activating body shield before he walked in. Inside, the air was heavy with the scent of decay and abandonment. Grand chandeliers hung precario
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