She scoffed and raised her head. "Let me guess, you were sent after the Entity?"

"Answer the question."

"Or what?"

Neon sighed, rubbing his nose between his thumb and index. "I can force the information out of you. It's quite nasty, but not impossible."

"Go ahead," she said, "Break your rules. It won't be the first time you Hunters have gone unorthodox."

He stared at her for a few seconds, and she thought he was the coldest person she had stared at, blank faced and unpredictable.

He wouldn't torture her, no but she had a feeling he could do something worse and was contemplating it. She did not want to know what it was.

"Oh for Lords' sake." The golden haired one stepped forward, tipping the glass of water toward her lips. "Here, have a sip. You must be thirsty."

She hesitated, but couldn't completely ignore the coolness coming off the liquid. She lowered her head and drank steadily until the cup was empty.

"There." He twirled the chair properly and sat in front of her while the dark haired one watched at a distance. "I apologize for my brother's rashness. We're running on a tight schedule, that's all."

She pressed her lips and said nothing.

"You're Akira Storm, aren't you?" He lowered the glass carefully. "Former Beta-rank Hunter, Niglekin division. Eight official captures, six unofficial and two kills. It's an impressive record, I won't lie."

She scoffed again. "And you are?"

"Oh, I go by many names," he said with a light smile, "Depending on who my audience is and where I am. As a Rogue Hunter, you must have heard of the Kitsune."

She reined in her surprise as quickly as possible, but it was no use if he was who he said he was. He would sense all her emotions, if not read her thinking.

"I've heard of you," she said softly, "The Hunter who turned Rogue and turned back again."

He shrugged. "People have done worse."

"You're a traitor of a different kind."

"You won't get denials from me. On the other hand, however, there's a lot I want to get from you."

Behind him, his twin had gone still and seemed on edge, like he was ready to jump in at any moment. That wasn't a good sign. She started to wish he was the one here instead.

The golden haired one leaned forward slightly, his smile still etched on his face. "We really need your help, Storm. Right now, people's lives could be on the line. And with that in mind, I really don't care about what means I'll use to get what I need."

She pressed her lips together again. She had heard of a special skill the Kitsune possessed, if one could call it that. Mind torture would be the mildest description for it, and the last thing she needed was for someone to poke about her head.

"Well?" He was already leaning forward eagerly, fingers wiggling on his thighs. "Shall I start digging?"

"I didn't kill him," she whispered suddenly.

The dark haired one was close by now. "Kill who?"

She shut her eyes, trying to remove the image of the Arkeian's fiery eyes. They were so similar to that of the golden haired man who was now sitting in front of her.

"I didn't kill the Entity. I was paid to capture him…And I did."

"Well then, where is it?"

She opened her eyes. They were both watching her, and the Kitsune looked a bit deflated, like he had hoped to dig inside her head. She shuddered involuntarily.

"I bound him at the castle."

"And when was this?"

She frowned. There was a gaping hole in her memory between binding the unconscious Entity and walking into the casino earlier that night. No matter how hard she tried to recall, it slipped away, like fish in water.

"I don't know…I can't remember," she replied.

"Here, let me help," the Kitsune said, leaning forward again. She stiffened as his eyes flashed an unnatural amber, his hands reaching for her face.

"Hey," snapped his brother, "Hold on."

He sat back with a sigh, folding his hands.

"Was anyone harmed?"

"None that I know of. But he's an Arkeian, so…maybe."

"An Arkeian?"

"He looked like it, at least. Like I said, I don't remember. Not that much."

"Right." He straightened and tapped his brother on the shoulder. "Come on."

"Hey!" She called as they both walked out, "Hey, I've got to use the bathroom!"

"Be back in a minute!" the Kitsune called back with a foxy grin.


"She wasn't lying," Neon said as they entered the main room.

It was a dimly lit space, with no windows in sight. A sofa, an armchair, a small shelf with a few books and a coffee table occupied the main space while a compact kitchenette and dining table occupied the opposite corner.

"No, sir," Hikaru responded. He held up his hand and the bottle on the table flew into his grip. "You should have let me peek, though."

"People's minds are not puzzle boxes created for your enjoyment."

He shrugged, sipping his beer. "I'm just helping with the investigation."

Neon shook his head and walked up to the shelf. "I'm going to the castle. You stay here and keep a watch on her."

Hikaru paused, the bottle halfway to his lips. "What?"

Neon reached out for the third book on the second shelf and pulled it out slightly. There was the slight click and whirr of unraveling mechanism as the woodwork slid aside to reveal another shelf of weapons.

"Time is important. One of us has to get there and have a look, while the other stays with her."

"What am I, the babysitting hunter?" Hikaru said sharply.

Neon rubbed his nose with a tired sigh. "You were assigned to me as a partner, Hikki. This is my case, so I say what happens. Keep a watch on Miss Storm, at least until I confirm what she says."

He reached for a handblazer, a shorter version of a blaze gun and a crippler cuff, tucking them both into his belt. Then he took his coat from the rack beside the shelf and slipped into it.

Behind him, Hikaru exhaled loudly, then took a gulp of his beer. "Sure, why not? Have fun out there."

Neon gave him a look for a while. Then he lowered his gaze to the time on his tekhan.

"It's past 9. You should get some rest." He paused. "And when I get back, we continue that conversation about that assassin you met on the rooftops."

"Yeah, fuck you." Hikaru said blankly and walked to the fridge. "And I really do hope you get a good beating out there."

Neon walked up to the farthest corner of the wall, placing his hand on a distinct dark spot. The outline of a door became visible and he opened it, walking out into the night.

"Don't bet on it," he said and shut the door.

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