The twins both sat on the second compartment of a whizzertrain bound for Noderyn. It was a less conspicuous way to travel, and they both blended in with casual cardigans and shades.

"How many years has it been? Since we've been there?" Hikaru asked Neon.

"I don't know," Neon said. He took off his glasses and eyed his brother sitting opposite him. "You didn't have to wear the same thing as I did."

Hikaru stared down at his white cardigan and cream jeans. In opposition, Neon's entire outfit was black. "You have a great fashion sense. I had to indulge you."

"You can't see the writing on the wall, can you?"

"Oh, I can." Hikaru took off his glasses too. Again, Neon thought he was staring into a mirror, but with longer hair and sharper eyes. "You don't want me anywhere near you, that much is clear."

He nodded. "You're not so insensitive after all."

"But I am a Hunter, one of the best there is. And I've been tasked with capturing a deathly Entity, so I don't really care much for what you think."

"You never cared much for anything."

"Well, thank Lords for that, otherwise I'd have been stuck in the capital as Maegen's lapdog," Hikaru said and punctuated his statement with a pointed stare.

"You watch your -"

"Come, come, Reon," Hikaru yawned. Outside, the sky was pitch black. "Let's just enjoy the journey. We can't be fighting all the time."

He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes as the train took off. The city was almost two days away, but the whizzers were one of the fastest means to get to any part of Aethoria.


They arrived at Noderyn by late afternoon the next day, and they reported to a safe house at a remote location, removed from the city buzz.

They had a quick lunch and a long nap before they started out, heading for the Maegen Branch.

After showing their tekhans and verifying their identity, they were led to the Review Department where they changed into official coats. Then a Worker debriefed them on their site of target.

"Yugen Castle," Neon read from the screen she summoned in front of them, "It's been abandoned since the war."

"Yes, it has. But yesterday, our scanners detected a massive energy surge around that area. Maegen energy."

"And it wasn't registered?"


"Rogue Hunters, then." Neon straightened. "Great. Maybe that's why they asked you to come along."

Hikaru snorted. "Anything else we should know?"

"Uh..." She lowered her head as her cheeks began to redden under his gaze. "We don't know…if it's the Entity you mentioned in your report or just another Winged Anomaly. So proceed with caution."

"Winged Anomalies don't explode in a ball of flame then just fly away," Neon said quietly, checking his tekhan, "Besides, my report came in today from the capital, and yours happened yesterday in the Wastelands. I'm willing to wager they might be different."

As they stepped out into the street, Neon squinted up at the sky. The night air of Noderyn welcomed them almost immediately. Neon lights and holographic billboards illuminated the dark sky, casting a rainbow of colors on the streets.

The streets bustled with people in every direction and the sound of soft music seemed to come from all around them mingled with the occasional hum or honk of a hovercraft coming from above.

"That wasn't here when we were," Hikaru said, pointing at the towering casino to their left. The words, Yellow Star, hung above the doorway. "Would you look at that?"


He rolled his eyes with a loud groan. "Good Lords, you are such a bore. What, you'd rather ride out into that dark wasteland than play, have a couple drinks and have a little fun?"

Neon frowned slightly and gave him a look. "Yes. Yes, I would like that."

"You know, nobody likes you."

"Wow, shocker."

"And whatever you got with good old Norrie, it's not going to last, and you know that."

"Looks who's talking."

Hikaru was already crossing the street. He cursed under his breath as he went after him.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Going for a couple of drinks," Hikaru said with a frown, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"We've got a mission…"

"While ago, you didn't want me around. Now what's the big idea?"

"The big idea is that you can't be going around, advertising your presence when there's an Entity we have to hunt."

Hikaru stared at his tekhan. "It's a few minutes past 7. We can handle that thing later tonight, or tomorrow morning even."

And he was gone before Neon could say anything else, slipping into the casino in a flash.

He cursed under his breath again. Then he went after him.

The doormen stopped them as they ascended the steps.

"Verification, please."

"Verifi…We are Hunters, goddamn it, here on official business," Hikaru snapped, waving a hand, "And we'll have a drink or two, if we will it."

The men spotted his tekhan and exchanged looks. Then they stepped back, giving way for them to pass.

"Oh shut up," Hikaru said as they walked down the hallway. He touched the lapels of his coat and flicked it, disguising his badge and changing the color of his coat from white to casual caramel.

Neon shrugged. "I didn't say anything."

"I can feel your eyes boring into my head, mate."

"You've done a lot of awful things. This one pales in comparison."

He touched the lapel of his coat and flipped it too, switching his from jet black to a lighter shade.

"Now, let's have some real fun."

"Ten minutes, tops," Neon said, as the curtains opened before them to reveal the swirling lights of the casino.

They were soon enveloped in the sounds of chips clinking softly, the rustle of cards and the occasional chime of a jackpot. The gaming floor stretched out before them, where patrons gathered around tables and machines, anticipation drawn on their faces.

Above them was a crystal chandelier, casting an array of colors on the room, reflecting off the polished mahogany bar.

"I'll be over there," Neon said, but Hikaru was already at a table, casually flipping cards between his fingers.

Sighing, he walked to the bar and took a seat, ordering a glass of water.

He lied when Hikaru asked him how many years it had been; he still remembered. Five years ago they arrived Noderyn to complete their Academy training; five years ago, he captured his first Entity (as opposed to Anomalies, Entities enjoyed the buzz of city life); five years ago, they both left for the capital.

Then everything started to move a bit too quickly after that.

He turned when he caught a sharp scent. It was a whiff, one that could have breezed by easily but it was a registered smell.

A lady walked past. She wore a dark yellow cloak, concealing her face but the scent was undeniable. He shifted his gaze to Hikaru, who was still at the betting table, tossing coins and drawing cards without a care.

He turned back to the lady. She was making her way to another woman seated at the extreme end of the bar.

He listened to his instincts, and he remained still, broadening his senses to reach where she stood instead.

"Get up."

It was a whisper, followed by the click of a tekhan glove.

A Rogue Hunter.

"Make a sound and the shockwave I'll send through your back will break your spine."

The woman rose quietly without protest. They both walked out, heading out the casino. Neon followed.

They had gone into an alley, a street behind the Yellow Star. Here, the lights were all but absent and a flurry of smells assaulted him as he walked into the abandoned neighborhood.

"I'm surprised it took you this long."

The woman had dark hair and a stony look, but he couldn't see the face under the cloak.

"You set me up," she snarled.

"Did I?"

"Why did you send those Hunters after me?"

"I didn't send them after you, per say. They were there to…clean up, in case you failed. You can call it contingency. And I did offer them a lower amount than I offered you."

"So why send me at all?"

The dark-haired woman clenched her jaw for a moment, and it seemed she wasn't going to talk.

Then the lady's gloved hand shot out, grabbing her by the throat as she held her up in the air.

"Why did you send me after a fucking Arkeian?"

Neon jerked his head up. That must have been what he smelt off her, the Entity's scent. She must have tried to mask it, but it would have been almost impossible for a creature as strong as that.

"It's…it's part of an experiment," the woman gasped, struggling for breath, "They...they...they wanted to see…how strong it was…"

"They?" snarled the Rogue, "Fuck does that mean? Who's they?"

Neon could hear her choking, and any moment now, she was sure to die…

He stepped out. "Let her go, please."

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