When Daniel came in for the explosive landing Victor hadn't started crafting his SKY LIGHT yet and so the extreme of it, the second part he would craft which was supposed to be somewhere a few meters off from where Daniel created a crater by landing in between the Upriser trucks hadn't been made yet.

With his landing and the shockwave created from it which caused all the trucks to skip and almost roll over had already happened and now the Uprisers all looked through the openings on their trucks, wondering what could have caused that. There was dust all over Daniel coming from the crater which was in turn preventing them from being able to see him.

They had thought that maybe one of their Stealth Drones had been what had just crashed because it was the only thing capable of currently being in the skies while everything else gets taken down.

These ones didn't actively have someone with a display board to keep tabs on the Stealth Drones or else they would have been

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