The moment that Angel dropped to the ground and was spilling blood all around her which was coming solely from the hole right at the center of her chest, all the Bionic Soldiers remained unfazed because they all saw the blue target dot created when the weapon in the sixth Bionic Soldier's hand is aimed at a something or someone and so they knew that this was going to be the outcome a second or so after they had seen it. The time the explosion takes places depends solely on when the welder decided to pull the trigger

Talon turned his head over to his far left to look at the sixth Bionic Soldier and because the both of them were the tallest out of the six, once he looked in that direction there would be direct contact, with none of the other two Elite rank Bionic Soldiers in between them being able to obstruct his view. He saw the satisfied and intense look in the man's eyes

"I guess that's one way of doing it" Talon said with an indifferent tone of voice and the sixth B

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