'Hmm, what's that?' One of the Bionic Soldier standing there thought to himself when he for some reason just decided to take his head to the sky and then surprisingly he saw something which was moving so fast that it was giving off that streak in the cloud that jets do when they hit certain speeds. 

Unlike jets, the exact object causing the cloud streak was so small that from the distance it could only be seen as a black Dot and that made no sense to this Bionic Soldier as he watched that. He wondered if that was one of the Stealth Drones heading off somewhere else but if that was really the case then he shouldn't have been able to see that black shape being the cause.

He seemed perplexed, but unfortunately he wouldn't be given a good amount of time to think about it or ask one of the others for their thoughts because from his side Talon spoke to inform all of them that he was about to commence the operation of having Angel's healing stopped for a while.


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