The first to take aim was Marrow whose blue target dot was already seen by everyone there and most especially felt by Angel on her forehead and unlike last time she didn't go trying to touch the area to find out what it was, she already had an idea. Second was Talon who was quick when it came to the draws with the fact that he was the last to get up and grab a hold of his weapon after the dive to safety but somehow the second to take proper aim was impressive. 

He was a natural when it came to this but not as much as the two who ranked above him or else he would have been above them instead.

Their previous line up had completely changed and there was no longer a single horizontal lines with each of them having a spot. Now they were in somewhat of an Arc formation with Angel being the point where the angle is and that from the looks of things wasn't a position that came with any positives.

This new formation was as a result of all of them diving to wherever

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