During the telepathic communication Angel had been busy speaking with Ryder and in the process strategizing how they were going to go about with the regrouping of everyone in a specific rendezvous point that they could come up with, just like how the plan was with Adam's team. While also avoiding being seen by as many Uprisers in the district as possible which at this point, after they had all done their separate surveillance, they came to the conclusion that there seem to none present at the moment.

Regrouping was going to be a challenging task to carry out now because even though they knew each others current position, that didn't mean that they had any knowledge of how they were going to get to each other if they didn't know their way around the district, meanwhile, slowly the protective aura that came with the Transmigration was diminishing and with that so would their ability to communicate telepathically.

With their reason for being sent to the field be
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