"So what seems to be the problem Agent?" Gabriel said, at first backing Bearl with one hand in his pocket and the other holding on to something small that remained out of view from the Agent behind but then turning around to face the man which finally revealed in hand was his favourite gold plated Stopwatch. An accessory which he would later stuff inside his trouser pocket after staring at it and the at Bearl for a good three seconds.

Getting into character like he had done before while at the checkpoint, Bearl stepped into the room but sneezed the moment he did and this was after Gabriel had gestured for him to do so, giving the hatted man permission to walk into the office which was something that almost never happens to any Agent.

Normally, for a long time, only two people have been known to have permission into Gabriel's office and those two people are Michael, his son, and Roman King, his right hand man and this is knowledge that had been passed on to Bearl
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