"Hey, look! Who's that over there?" one of the GHA officers in the security check point asked the other there with him, pointing at an approaching Bearl with a baton he had in hand.

It wasn't common for anyone to come through the checkpoint by this time of the day if at all, least especially by feet and not with a four-wheel vehicle. The most common way they've ever seen a surprise visit like this was with the person coming via helicopter, just like how Daniel had done. On the other hand, everyone else normally comes with the standard GHA worker's bus that picks all the officers and agents from their home and take them all the way here.

These two looked surprised because they don't remember anyone going out to now be returning but Bearl allowed then to finish talking before he would give a response to any questions they had for him because they are yet to ask him any. He had just walked up to the checkpoint with his head lowered and concealed by the hat so
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