017 - Loyal To You Alone
Just as the tension was at its peak, two officers entered the room, their expressions serious.

“Is there a problem here?” One of the officers asked.

Evans George nodded. “Yes, these two people, Young Master Aleric and Adams Smith, have been slandering my fiance and making a scene at our engagement party. I would like them arrested for defamation and slander.”

The officer nodded and looked at Aleric and Adams. “You two need to accompany us to the station for questioning. If these allegations are true, you will face appropriate charges.”

Adams smirked as he crossed his arms. “You have provided no evidence against us. This is a waste of time,”

Evans stepped forward, saying, “I will gather the evidence necessary to prove their guilt. I will not let them get away with tarnishing Samantha's reputation,”

The officers exchanged glances before one spoke. “We will conduct a thorough investigation into this matter, Mr. George. If we find any evidence, we will take the appropriate action. Un
Mh_Ummi (Styles)

Mugu (It is a word with different meanings/descriptions) - Here, it is used to describe (tyrant).

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