028 - Second Identity?

Disclaimer: This chapter features Evans and Ashley.

“You've always asked me what I saw in him right? What got me attracted to him in the first place, and why despite everything you do to harm him, you always end up not getting the perfect result you anticipate. Well here, today, I'll give you an answer. It is because you are incomparable to him. Standing next to him, you're just a mere clown!”

Ashley Woods' voice was a harsh yet loud tone as she completed her words. She grinned and then spat on his face. Suddenly the door pushed open and then came the flashes of cameras before Evans George could retaliate.

The room was suddenly filled with bright flashes as several photographers burst into the office, capturing the scene of Evans George choking Ashley Woods. Startled, Evans released his grip on her throat and stumbled back. Ashley gasped for air, coughing and trying to regain her composure.

One of the photographers stepped forward, holding up his camera. "Oh My God! Is it not a rumor
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