095 - New Threat Detected

Watching the beast beetles rush towards him, Adams was confused about what to do.

[Incoming Beetle, make use of shield and anti-bug spray!] The system’s synthesized voice echoed in his mind.

Okay! “Shield and Spray,” he muttered but got nothing. Hah! What the fuck is happening? The beatles were already getting closer than before.

[Warning: objects in the system are closer than they appear.]

Adams immediately began to panic. He instantly recalled a game he once saw a group of youngsters playing when he went to print a report in the cafe.



Adams yelled at the top of his lungs. His voice resounded in the system. The beetles seem to have been swept backwards due to the echo.

[Shield request approved.]


A large round shield appeared. Adams caught it and quickly belted it around his arms. Spray!! Where is the spray? The beetles were already catching up on him.


Adams yelled again.

[Sprays available: Firewall sprays >Antivirus sprays > Bugs sprays > Debugging s
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