096 - Mission Completed

As the entity closed in, Adams raised his shield, bracing for impact. The creature's limbs clashed against the shield, sending shockwaves through Adams' arms.

[Shield integrity at 70%]

“Who are you?” Adams shouted, trying to distract the entity.

[Insufficient data. Recommendation: Focus on combat.]

The entity retaliated with a barrage of swift strikes, each one chipping away at the shield's integrity. Adams stumbled backwards, desperate to create distance.

[Proximity alert: beetles regrouping.]

The beetles, sensing Adams' weakness, began to close in once more. Adams found himself sandwiched between two formidable foes.

[Recommendation: Utilize Power-up Spray to enhance combat capabilities.]

Adams hesitated, unsure if the Power-up Spray would be enough to turn the tide. But with the entity and beetles closing in, what more choice does he have than to accept the system suggestions?

“Power-up Spray, NOW!” Adams yelled, hoping for it to work. This realistic game was driving him crazy!!

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