(Meeting with a guide)
Good morning!
I woke up earlier than my usual in my old life.
This is my second day in this Not-Too-Far-From-The-Ordinary Isekai.
And yes you're right, I'm sleeping right next to this snore-lord.
Good thing I can't be seen, if that isn't the case, I'm sure I died right after I spawned.
Pretty cliched for a newbie you can say.
I'm not commending the baby for making me into a ghost.
Thus, I'm still mad at him.
Why? You ask?
Of course I will be mad at someone throwing me in an Isekai without any power-up start like in those Anime series.
Or maybe I'm just naïve for thinking reincarnating is the best idea.
I'm not surprised that I'm not getting hungry, I'm a ghost remember?
Basically, I'm just a ghost from the other world warped to the 25th dimension.
I'm not reincarnated in other words.
But let's be optimistic, this unhungry and stealth ability is not bad though.
Yes, maybe baby is not that evil.
Maybe this is the power-up I needed.
As I think deeply about things, the beast began to wake up.
He's so big and scary.
He got so many scars in his chest and biceps.
He also have a pretty muscular physique.
In Earth, this creature has the same size of a regular car that is standing in upright angle.
He started walking as if he's got a lot of things to do.
I better hurry and do my business too.
Farewell, Tanky-Tiger.
We parted ways and headed-off in opposite directions.
This forest is super huge!
I know, I know, I already said this before but I'm just amazed on how huge it was and I couldn't find any path leading somewhere with civilization.
Damn I'm getting tired.
I'm a ghost you say?
No I mean, I'm not tired physically, but mentally.
Well you might ask why Tamago Ringo is getting mentally tired by walking.
Allow me to explain;
First, I'm not that kind of person who advent to different areas without knowing a path back.
Second, I'm a friendly person! I couldn't stand being alone in this forest.
No I never said I was a shut-in,
In fact, I always play with my classmates online.
We enjoy anime-ish and RPG kinds of games.
But I never played alone in a game.
If I'm alone, I would rather watch anime or read manga.
I don't like playing alone so that's why I'm mentally disturbed.
Well this is my choice though,
I chose to reincarnate solo so I must face the consequences.
I can't tell the precise time but I'm pretty sure that I've been walking for hours now.
Something caught my attention.
Woah, there's glowing mushrooms growing here!
It's purple color resembles an ultraviolet ray.
Huh? You call me dumb?
What do you mean ultraviolet rays are colorless?
Of course I know that.
No! I'm not lying.
Anyway, let's just call it UV since it's purple.
Yes, yes I'm bad at naming and stuff.
Maybe you can tell where I get these traits.
Ah, my parents, I miss them.
But it's weird, I don't feel any pain now.
I don't feel emotionally attached to them anymore.
I can only feel like they are just a part of me now.
I grabbed the UV flowers and I'm surprised I did grabbed them.
I mean, I'm a ghost right?
So I must be a massless being.
Weird, but anyways let me just eat this.
Yes I'm gonna eat it.
It's not that I'm hungry or anything but my instincts say that I must eat it.
There're three of them so I ate each one of them respectively.
I glowed.
After I ate those mushes, I glowed.
I feel something weird going down my nerves (as if ghosts has them)
But after I glowed, it disappeared after a few seconds.
Pretty weird.
Anyway, I just ignored and pretend it never happened.
I continue walking and eventually, I found a waterfall along with a river.
Oh wow, its water is super clean.
Its' sparkling crystal-clear!
I went at the riverside and look down.
My face didn't change at all!
I look like the same on my previous life (as if this is a second life).
My 17 years of living in that world isn't waste I think.
At least I got this posture, my chest is quite big.
People say big chests means big fortune.
I'm not a whore so I don't really take their words seriously.
I'm not gonna say I'm beautiful but I rejected a lot of guys when I'm on high school.
Maybe that's enough to presume I am.
After I took glance to myself, I tried to sink in the water.
I feel the water but the water seems to not feel me.
I feel it but at the same time, I'm still dry, I didn't get wet.
The water didn't even move, means, I'm just a ghost sinking in the water.
Without some warning, a rift from space has opened in front of me.
It's like a paper ripped from the void.
I can see a small being went out.
It's a baby!
I know you're thinking that it's the God of Dimensions but you're wrong.
It's presence is totally different.
And besides, it's a girl.
"Hello Rin!"
It grins after it greeted me with a excited tone.
"I'm so sorry that I'm late! You know, I'm supposed to escort you in your new adventure in this world!"
A very excited tone indeed.
"But you're a day late though"
I responded with a confused tone.
"C'mon! Don't be like that! It's just a day Y'know?"
Still grinning after that.
"So, as I said I'm here to guide ya!"
She continued
"The very basics of being a ghost is to live without interfering with other beings! The stealth ability you got is one of the package of being a ghost!"
Package? For real? Is she playing with me?
And what does she mean by not interfering? So I'm just to sit and watch other creatures?
How booriiiiinnnngg!!
"How could I possibly not interfere?"
I asked reluctantly.
"I never said you should not interfere though y'know? I only said being a ghost means you live without interfering others, but it's your choice to take the path you wanted to!"
She still speaks with an excited tone.
What's wrong with these babies.
"Well if you think that I'm a baby you're probably wrong y'know?"
What? She read my mind didn't she?
"Yes I can say! For I am a god of guidance, I can possibly read the thoughts of every being no less y'know?"
Still with an excited tone.
So gods in this universe are babies.
"I told you we're not babies y'know?"
Then what are you? A toddler?
Ha ha ha funny.
"If you continue on insulting the god race in front of me you will be punished y'know?"
I gulped from what I heard, her tone is not excited this time. More of like enduring not to release her anger.
"We are gods, for gods don't age, we remain at this body forever unless we wanted to switch."
Her tone suddenly become more serious.
"Y'know, I'm doing you a favor here, if you don't want my help I could simply lea-"
I stopped her from going inside the rift of the void.
"Okay fine let's just get this over with."
"Well then! Let's start!"
Her mood switches pretty quick.
"This world is the 25th dimension! Yarth is it's name! Y'know there are 26 dimensions overall!"
Oh so I'm at the second last dimension.
"The world you came from, Earth is the 5th Dimension."
Makes sense.
"The first five dimensions, Aarth, Barth, Carth, Darth and Earth were populated by humans y'know! Monsters and magic don't exist in these first five dimensions Yes? And the remaining 21 dimensions are populated by demons, elves, humans, monsters and many more creatures y'know!"
So the world I came from don't have magic, I'm aware of that obvious thing. So in short, being born in those five dimensions is rare in my opinion.
"Yes, being born in those dimensions is considered a good fortune y'know! There is peace, no war, advanced technology and no monsters! In contrast, the 21 other worlds is rich with bloodbath, poor technology and monsters y'know?"
I'm considered lucky until now then.
"That's all for the history 101! So let's proceed to our next lesson!"
Is it me or this is just starting to become a lecture.
"You can see your stats as well as your abilities as you close your eyes and concentrate!"
Yoo! That's what I'm waiting for!
As she instructed, I closed my eyes and think of my stats, and there it appeared!
<Lv.1 Ghost>
<HP: 1/1> <MP: 200/200> <SP: INF/INF>
[Skills: Stealth, Possession, Undead, Lust]
Damn, what's with this cheat stats?!
I'm starting to feel like I'm the protagonist of this story!
Wait something here is not right.
HP?! 1/1?!
If my health is like this I feel like I could die just be tripping and falling!
No fair!
"Can you please explain what is this HP about?!"
I nearly shout in her face.
"Y'know you're a ghost. Means you must not be living in the first place, that means you can't get hit y'know? You're completely invulnerable!"
Her words shocked me to the bones.
Yes! Yes! I can hear it!
I can hear you guys applause for me.
Thank you very much!
I went back to reality as she shouted, but of course in an excited tone. Her voice is so child-like unlike that man, I mean that baby boy.
"If you wanted to cast a skill, you can just think the skill itself y'know? Oh and by the way, there are certain skills that we call 'passive', they can't be toggled on or off and they activates once you get them! Your stealth and undead are two of those y'know? Now let's make yourself cast something! Hmm... Let's see, oh there! This lust skill! It's weird you got such a rare skill! Y'know this is one of the seven deadly sins! Lust-shrooms only appears once in a thousand years. And you must find the three of them and eat it all if you wanted to acquire Lust you know?"
I'm certain I ate three purple mushrooms in the forest earlier.
"Three purple mushrooms?!"
Her excited tone got mixed with a surprised tone.
"Yeah, I happen to see something glowing in the forest, my instinct said I need to eat them so I did."
"But they are supposed to be scattered in a random locations in this world once in a thousand years y'know?! How did they gathered in a single spot and got eaten?! Even the strongest demon lords struggle just to get the Lust skill. Ahhh...!!!"
She just released a high tone, yet she's still got the surprised tone mixed in.
Wait a minute.
Let me process everything for a second.
Did I just got a super-ultra-rare skill?
How could that be?!
Does this mean I'm really the protagonist of this story?!
I screamed in my mind but the baby seems to hear my awful shriek.
"Y'know? That skill is pretty rare but pretty useless."
My turned-up face suddenly shrinks into pieces.
Still not convinced on what she said that I repeated the word.
"Yeap! You must become a ruler before you can use it fully though."
"Yah! But I'm not gonna tell you more information, privacy purposes y'know! You'll figure that out someday y'know!"
Back to her normal excited tone.
"But you said that I can't use it 'fully', so that means I can still use this right?"
I asked her based on what I noticed.
"Yeap! And I'm asking you to show me that!"
"Demonstrate me that power by using it, concentrate your magic flow and think about lust y'know!"
I did what she said, I concentrated and cast the lust spell on my head.
Suddenly the fishes started jumping.
"Mhmm.. Mhmm.. Still useless indeed."
She murmured something but I understood what she just said.
So basically the lust skill allows me to controls creatures. But since I don't have the 'Ruler' thing she is saying, the fishes can't do nothing but jump. C'mon it's not useless! I can use this skill to catch fish and make a living! (as if I needed to eat)
Although it lasts just for a few seconds.
"That is all I can tell you for now y'know? See ya!"
She left me without hearing my reaction.
Seriously, what a playtime god she is.
That Goddess of Guidance is not worthy of that title, she just explains the basics and leave.
Well, that's better than nothing.
I guess my real adventure is just starting.
Hello! I'm Peter and I am the one who is writing this story, if you want me to continue it, please consider leaving a reaction and liking the page.That means a lot to me.And if you are more generous to share this page/story, that will be a really big help!Thank you for reading!I will be continuing the story for like 1-2 chapters a dayAnd if you encourage me more, I might be faster than ever!This is Peter signing off!
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Epilogue Part 1
(Rin's Diary)I was born on September 7th, 2002. It was a spring season when my mom gave birth to me. My father was very pleased to see his child crying her first words. They smiled in tears as they embrace me with their warm hugs. Due to medical conditions, my mom had to stay in the hospital for few more days for her to recover from the child labor. I was put in the nursery, I was sleeping all day and night. Sometimes, out of nothing, I just start crying and crying. I feel like I want to do something but I can't.A week and a half after I was born, my mom has fully recovered and can now go home. I'm as excited as I can be to see my new dwelling place. Our house was in Tokyo, which my parents lived for their lives. They're both busy people, they work at the same company. They've always shown their love for each other, just by look at them, you can clearly see the sincerity they had for each other.
Author's Note:Hello, everyone! It's been a long ride we've been through on the first volume and I'm sad to say that the first volume will end here. But don't fret, I'm still gonna write a final epilogue for everyone which will cover the life of Rin when she was still a kid, it's still up to you if you're gonna read this. The following will be sort of non-magical story but I'll do my best to make it worth the read!I'm cutting off the story mainstream from the last chapter, it is to put a cliffhanger and excitement in your sleeves. Hehe, but please don't expect me to release the second volume so soon. This book was really hard to update this month, I've been busy in my school works and such that I can't update as often as possible, but thankfully I got it through! Please continue your support by recommending the story to your peers and friends as well as your family! I really hope you enjoyed the journey we had
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Chapter 46
(Reborn)I need to defy my fear and continue this. I can't just look at how will I do the same mistake again. For Athena, a time loop might be very scary but for me, yes it is scary too though but I have no choice. I can't explode like that without doing anything. If ever happens! Athena, I know you can hear me. Please ask Paradox to help me.And so after breathing a long sigh. I stretched out my limbs and stopped the time. I saw the former hero rushing towards my past self and I stopped the time instantly. This didn't happened before. Oh wait, it did happen before. So I wasn't the one who used time stop before, technically, it's me but it wasn't me at the same time. I know it's a bit complicated but let's put it into simple words. The one who stopped the time before wasn't me but the future me. And all the thing that is happening were connec
Chapter 45
(Fragment)"What have you done?" Said Paradox that couldn't really believe what he was seeing right now."What is that?!" Athena is shocked as well."Eh, hehe." I replied that brought unsureness to their faces."I think I accidentally controlled a God." Then I chuckled forcedly."I don't really think it's a bad idea to control him but, I never thought you would think anything like that. Now I'm even scared of opposing you." Paradox implied. Indeed, he looks very disturbed by what I did."Oh finally, I really hate Phrontous of all gods y'know! Thankfully you got him good." Athena said and the way she stare at the vessel where I put Phrontous is evil."Now I get how really dangerous a ghost is. I won't ever let a ghost have control to their power ever again. It willn't be bad if the ghost would be like Rin. But what I'm scared of is someone evil getting the power s
Chapter 44
(Decision) We continued our progress by walking down the straight path leading us unknowingly into somewhere. I'm not sure where we are currently and I'm not even certain on how can I progress on making the right judgment if is he really worth the saving. To be honest, so far I don't feel like he is hiding some grim deed in his soul, I wish I could just read his mind and decide right away. "Where do we suppose to go now?" He asked me while we walk. "We're gonna hunt some more. We need to use this opportunity to clear every monster that are blocking the way. In that perceptiveness, we'll be able to get extra rewards from the guild." I made this all up again. "And how can they monitor us if we really eliminate the needed number of monsters?" "As you see, Everytime we kill a monster, we gain experience and this experience will eventually make us level up.
Chapter 43
(Undercover)I woke up earlier than him. He was still asleep in his bed and I can see that it's only 5 in the morning based on the sky. I'm planning to ask him to go on an adventure without making him say no so I can free myself from doing and creating more actors for the sake of my roleplay.Creating people during the morning will do me quite a workload and I don't think I can handle a huge crowd of people in half an hour just for a scene.I need to invite him to kill monsters and pretend to do some quests so I can just create few people, since it's still too early in the morning.I now began making puppet dolls and ordered them to do as I say. Some of them were just intended to be a passerby, some intended to be vendors and etc. This is really a work, I'm consuming up my MP easily.After a few minutes of preparing my actors, I decided to start the play.
Chapter 42
(Responsibility)I've been flying around the forest near the Dolovana Nations to locate where the culprit is. I'm drove in by no one but myself. I can be killed if ever I fail doing the right judgment so I must do this carefully. Finally, I saw the man I was looking for. He looks like a nerd, with round eyeglasses, long scientist's coat and a messy hair. He has pimples all over his face but he looks handsome even if he had these pores. So I took some distance before I removed my wings in my back using my Morph skill. I teleported in front of him which shocked him."Who are you?" He isn't that shocked by me, but my presence is surely intimidating him. I haven't hidden all my aura so he can sense how dangerous I am and try not to make foolish decisions. From what I heard before on the Gods' conversation, he is a scientist so I assume that he is wise enough to take my aura as a warning and be cautious."Hi! I'm Rin. I'm