Several lives would be saved thanks to his parents thinking all this through.
Eagan picked up the box his parents left for him and tried to open it, but it didn't budge; suddenly, a needle came out of the keyhole and pricked his fingertip, drawing out don't blood.SCANNING BLOOD SAMPLEA mechanical voice came out of the box, startled Eagan, and he almost dropped it.SCAN COMPLETED DNA MATCHED... SELF-DESTRUCT MODE DISENGAGED.The setup amazed Eagan, and he thought, "what a brilliant invention; I mean, it was going to self-destruct if it was someone else who got it; how amazing."With all this, he was happy he wasn't sharing a room with anyone, as Nina and silver had separate rooms.The first thing he noticed as he opened the box was a written letter addressed to him.HEY THERE KIDDO,Happy eighteenth birthday from your handsome dad and beautiful mum. We hope you've been well and haven't been giving your grandmother a hard time. I'm sure you've grown up to be a fine young man like myself or a genius like your mother, both are good b also don't mind you being either.If you're reading this, that means you get the box and are alive and well. Son, we are sorry we couldn't be there to watch you grow older and experience your firsts; we love you and always watch over you. To the main business, in the box, there are three tubes of elixirs; those elixirs can be used to enhance your body a bit permanently, they'll not make you a superman, but you'll be above an average human. It has no side effects or drawbacks except if you overdose on it, so you'll have to use it once. The journey before you are long, and depending on your decision, it might be fun or lonely. So as your father, I'll advise you to walk it with friends. Yeah, indeed, some can't be trusted, but you still need them around, so please don't walk it alone; make friends and have fun killing those ugly zombies; you have to go pa pa pa pa pa or swoosh, you get me? When you make friends, you can trust them; you can give the other two to them. Live long and have babies. You have many babies; we'll be watching over you, kiddo. Your old man and beautiful mother.Droplets of water fell on the piece of paper containing the letter by the time he was done reading the letter. He Never thought much about his parents, neither loved nor hated them; he never knew them but knowing that his parents sacrificed their lives for humanity made them his hero.He could feel their love from the letter; they loved him. He has always envied the kids that had parents while he was younger; he wanted them to take him to and pick him up from school and go to the pack and play with him, but he never had those, and that's why he lived like they never existed, missing people he never met is too hurtful.In the box sits a picture frame of his mother and father holding him when he was a baby. His parents had a loving smile as they watched him sleep. In the background of the pictures, a blonde-haired man stood in a mirror holding a camera 'that's probably Marcus ' was an unfamiliar face that wasn't in the picture his grandmother had shown him. At the back of the frame is a note that reads.BODY-ENHANCING ELIXIRS RECIPEAnd then, finally, in the box were the three tubes of elixirs mentioned in the letter. He took one of them and drank.SYSTEM NOTIFICATIONAGILITY +10STRENGTH +10STAMINA +10YOUR BODY HAS GONE THROUGH ENHANCINGNAME: EAGAN. AGILITY: 70.AGE:17. STRENGTH: 90.HEIGHT:5'10. STAMINA: 92.WEIGHT:152Lbs. POINTS: 2315.LEVEL:5YOU HAVE TO USE THE BODY-ENHANCING ELIXIRS ONCE, THEY CAN'T BE USED AGAIN, AND FURTHER USE WILL DAMAGE THE BODY."Okay, thanks for the information."'THAT'S WHY I'M HEREThe training was scheduled to start the following day, so Eagan took a bottle of energy drink from his mini fridge and mixed an elixir into it to give to his best friend, Silver.###The training went as planned, Eagan fed the drink containing the elixir to Silver without his knowledge, and silver, tired from working out for the first time in his life, immediately felt refreshed.He discovered through the system that when the elixir is mixed, its dosage is reduced and can be taken multiple times. So, he combined the last tube into five different energy drinks and gave it to five other people from the combat team, and the difference in its effect could be visibly seen.###It's been a week since the official announcement of the virus and state of emergency, and their shooting training began on the sixth day. They trained vigorously under the supervision of Adam, in charge of security, to rescue as many survivors as possible while killing Zombies to reduce their numbers.And finally, today, they went out on Field training to kill the zombies." Gather around everyone," Adam yelled, and everyone who signed up to join the combat team gathered around." It's only been six days since we started the training, and I'm aware that it's not enough time to grasp the basics of combat or to even shoot a target without shaking, but we have lots of people out there who are in desperate situations, and they need saving and the longer we stay here, the more the zombies multiply, and that's why we'll be taking our training to the next levels and hunt the zombies in the fields!"" Yes, sir!"" Good, I like the energy you all have, myself and four other trained personnel will lead the raid; take note, the zombies are sensitive to noise, and that's why your guns have silencers on them; when we go out, stay close and don't wander around, have I made myself clear?"" Yes, sir!"" Backpacks have been prepared for you; the backpack contains an important mini first aid kit, snacks, water, a flashlight in case we get stuck outside till night, and extra clothes. While out there, we'll need to gather more resources to sustain this place in the long run. Remember, you don't get bitten or scratched by these things. If you do, I'll pull the trigger on you myself. Pick a backpack, and let's get going."Once inside the bus prepared to transport them, Adam stood in the middle to instruct them again." We'll be going towards the South today. When we come across any survivors, they'd be rescued and sent to the base. We'll be divided into two groups a group will be in charge of scavenging, and the other group will be in charge of the rescue.""Yes, sir "They moved out once everything was settled, and everyone got their backpacks.The once beautiful city, always bustling with people rushing to or from work, is now quiet and infected with walking dead, both old and young, men and women have been infected.Eagan couldn't help but think," For some people's selfish reasons, a lot of lives have been wasted... for those innocent children, I have to get stronger... I'll avenge them all!"Related Chapters
I Got An Apocalyptic System Focus on Not Turning Into a Zombie
" There's a supermarket around that corner to the left; hopefully, we'll stop there to get some resources; it hasn't been looted completely. We'll be divided into five groups, and each group will be led by one of your trainers; one group will be on the lookout for intruders and zombies while two groups will go into the supermarket to gather resources, and the other two will go into the surrounding houses to check for survivors " Adam instructed. Everyone got assigned to their groups of four persons per group and stepped out of the bust to carry out the mission given to them. Matt, a Trainer, leads Eagan's group, and the members are Eagan, Shannon, a lady who worked on the farm on the base, and Nick, Eagan's co-worker. Their team was assigned to check the building opposite the supermarket for survivors, and as they got close to the building, someone shouted from the upper level. "Hey! Please help! Please help us!" It was a blue-haired boy waving his hands frantically through the wind
I Got An Apocalyptic System You'll have to Earn Your Stay
The two men with the knives slash and stab—the zombie's head, with Nick and Shannon assisting from the back. "I love this; let's do this often!" Nick said excitedly amidst all the shooting "I honestly thought I'd die or something while leaving the base this morning; I didn't think it'd be this enjoyable to shoot at zombies." The survivors heard their voices, and the commotion from outside began packing their things so as not to time the rescue team after killing the zombies. They packed all the necessary items, such as food, clothes, toiletries, and photo albums. Eagan knocked on the door after killing off all the zombies "Hey, anybody in there? He asked, and the door opened immediately, revealing the blue-haired boy from earlier. "Hello," he greeted firmly "You were the one who called us the other time?" "Yes, that was me; I'm sorry for attracting the zombie to you," the boy, who looked frail and young, bowed his head. "It's okay." " Can you please take my sisters to your ba
I Got An Apocalyptic System It Looks Uglier
" I never knew Festus taught you how to shoot," Adam comments as they shoot at the zombie covering the survivors to safety. "Huh? you know Uncle Festus?" Eagan asked, surprised that Adam knew his uncle, but 'it shouldn't have been too surprising as uncle Festus was also involved in the building of the base,' he thought " Of course, I'm very familiar with him. After all, he was our trainer alongside Marcus .... You might not know this, but everyone you met on the base had nothing when we met your grandmother; she gave us a place to stay and a purpose to live for ... and in return, we promised to serve you till our last breath." Eagan felt touched by the confession made by Adam and was stunned for a few seconds. " I'm sorry ... I didn't know anything ... I was just informed about all this on her dying bed, and everything seems new to me, and I'm just barely holding on." " It's a promise she had to keep; your parents made everyone promise that you'd have a normal childhood and you wo
I Got An Apocalyptic System Rewards and Punishment
Eagan aimed for its head with his guns while others continued the assault on his stomach; even though the weakness was in the stomach, it kept moving around. He shot at it twice, and from each gun and with the four bullets to the head and belly, they became weak. It growled out in pain, and the surrounding zombies began to gather " Fuck! We are surrounded! " " I'm out of ammo, and so are most people." " We can't relax yet if we don't want to be food for the zombies." With one last shot, Eagan finished the level two zombie, and they fought the horde surrounding them. They sat down in exhaustion when the zombies were cleared " I take it back. I don't want to do this every day ... I'm so tired," Nick said with a groan " Although it's tiring, it's fun." " Fun, my ass, it's so disgusting." " I'm aware we are all tired from just now, but we'll need to clear out the road and the zombies. We need to burn them," Adam instructed, resulting in a series of unpleasant complaints and groan
I Got An Apocalyptic System Are you Drunk?
"The building at the front is for the male survivors, the one at the back is for the females, opposite genders are not allowed into each other's living quarters, if you are found, you'll be punished accordingly," Eagan explained further. " But what about married couples?" someone asked. "The third building is for couples; you can stay with your family in one apartment; I hope you understand it's for security reasons. The doctor's quarters are right behind the infirmary; you won't have to travel daily between the living quarters and the infirmary. You can stay in the living quarters since we have fewer people around. Also, note that privileges will be given based on your contribution to the development of the base; at a later time, we'll discuss the rest of the rules with you all once I welcome you." The people separated into different groups to get registered for the professions they were interested in. At the end of their registration, there were two doctors, four student doctors,
I Got An Apocalyptic System Meet Naina
He locked the door after Silver and pressed the button that unlocked the stairway that leads to the control room; he's never been here, he saw the plan for his room last night, and that's how he knew it was there. He climbed up the stairway, placed his hands on the doorknob, and got pricked; the feeling was similar to when he opened the box his parents left him. SCANNING DNA SCAN COMPLETE DNA MATCH... "For fuck's sake!" Eagan chuckled as the door opened, he walked into the room, and the first thing he noticed in the dim light was a figure sitting in front of the many computers in the room. The room's set-up was what he saw next, and he could think nothing but 'this is something out of a sci-fi movie.' He tried reaching for his gun, but it was left on his bedside table, ' Why was I aiming for my gun?' "Hello, young master, I'm Naina, and I've been waiting for you." " Uh mm, hi? " Eagan greeted, unsure how to react to a lady living above his room. " (chuckles) I'm the AI in char
I Got An Apocalyptic System Setting rules to be violated
Nina worked through the night writing the guide and rules for the base to discuss with Eagan tomorrow before he left scavenging. # There should be no fighting amongst survivors in the base; in case of any conflict, report to your team leader or Nina. # You are allowed out of the base for whatever reasons; only scavenging teams are permitted out of the ground during this time. #Crimes such as stealing, rape, and murder are punishable by eviction from the base or death. # Everyone is mandated to report to their chosen place of work immediately after brunch. # Toiletries will be distributed to every occupied room once every two weeks. # Everyone is entitled to two meals a day; your contribution to the growth and development of the base will give you an opportunity for a snack. Which means Snacks are earned. # The infirmary is available at all times; visit there whenever you are sick. # Report any damage to any gadget in your rooms immediately. # Everyone must join the morning tra
I Got An Apocalyptic System Promises are made to be broken
"..." They chuckled at the doctor's loss of words. Eagan walked up to him and gently said " Relaxed aren't bad guys, and we won't hurt you; all the zombies on this floor have been cleared, so it's safe to come out." The doctor peeked his head out and checked left and right as if to see if the guys standing there weren't enough proof that the place was safe. "Are you from the military?" The doctor asked now with a more stable voice than before when his voice felt like he was about to die. " No, we aren't," Silver answered. "If you aren't from the Military, how come you all carry guns? Are you criminals?" " I thought we already established that we aren't bad guys?" Eagan asked Shannon stepped forward to save the situation as she explained to the Doctor why they were there. " Indeed, we are not from the military, but we are also not criminals; we are here to rescue survivors and put them safely until the military comes to rescue them. You can choose to go with us and not to; we w
Latest Chapter
The Lord is my Shepard
"My... My lord! The gateway has been opened prematurely!" the one-horned demons steward rushed into the dark, cold palace sweating heavily, he knelt before the throne and reported "The energy gathered around the gate is not enough to transport the army and you, my lord.""Why did death servant open the gate prematurely?" a loud baritone voice asked from up the throne, his brows furrowed "Was there an order to open the gate?" a two-horned giant demon dressed in heavy armour, he is the demon army general Beelzebub, he knelt on one leg to salute the king "The location where the gate was placed on earth was suddenly attacked, the death servant thought there would be enough casualty to fill up the energy so we didn't interfere but only two people died and the others were just injured..." the one-horned demon explained regretfully "How incompetent!" the general declared "How can you assume in such a situation! Even when you are sure there will be a casualty to avoid stories that touch th
Let's face the Unknown
Large stone chunks fall all around them, barely passing over their heads as they ran out of the building, The Wereman carried Audrey on his shoulder, running as fast as they could, On their way out they met Ian, Priya and Shannon coming to find them upon seeing everyone was fine they ran towards the exit. People dressed in white lab coats as well as new test subjects that were brought in ran around in total disarray to find the closest exit, their faces ashen with urgency and fear. "We don't have time to rescue the researchers but we'll lead the civilians out with us, Brett and Milo guide them to the exit quickly!" Eagan instructed. Brett and Milo following instructions began leading the civilians out of the base with much effort, Milo leading on the front while Brett guard them from the back. A Mechanical voice can't out from the speakers "The centre is under attack, all the exits will be shut down and every data deleted, Self-destruct will commence in 5...4...3.." "Fuck, what
"All you did was for your fucking entertainment! Stop fucking lying to yourself, and feeling self-righteous!" Silver felt so angry that he nearly dash forward to bash the older man's head on the wall continuously. Eagan signalled to him to stand down and with a loud 'hmph' he sat on the floor with a gun sitting on his lap "Even in death, you won't feel repentant about the evil you've committed, and killing you is letting you off easily. I'll make sure you experience a life where you'd wish for death every hour of the day! That will be your retribution" Eagan stated and brought out a handcuff to restrain him before handing him over to an angry Silver and an excited Milo. "Dr Martins should be done let's go out and see, Ian, Shannon and Priya go down and destroy the large circle, do it in the next five minutes" Eagan led the way out of the training room as they dragged out Audrey with his knees kissing the floor. A loud heart-wrenching roar pierced through the air, making people t
"Clang! Swish!" Sounds of metal clashing filled the room as both parties attacked one another, aiming for each other's vital spot and defending against the attack with no one having an advantage over the other as they were both evenly matched both in speed and attack force. Eagan feigned an attack towards Gabe's legs to distract him, using the opportunity he retreated to create some distance between the two, He spits out a mouthful of blood and wiped his mouth with his bare hands smearing his face with the permanent the face 'Fuck! He is a tough nut to crack! Can't believe he has been holding back during training! Killing him will prove more difficult than expected' Eagan thought as he gripped the hilt of his sword tighter "Your killing intent is so enticing! Hahaha!" Gabe laughed as he charged forward to close the distance between the two "I can't help but want to indulge you a little bit, don't worry I won't kill you after all of us are still useful to the boss! It tastes so pu
"Is there a way to save those who have been mutated? Since the mutation happened from a serum if we study the serum shouldn't we be able to find a cure?" Eagan asked Dr Martins curiously"Some of us have tried, several times, but we couldn't find the properties of the serum not to talk of a cure. We are still studying it though we should be able to find something in the long run" Dr Martins explained dejectedly, his voice shaking as the image of their failed experiments flashed through his mind. Eagan nodded and then went back to laying down, he stared at the ceiling deep in thought, he wanted to help Dr Martins somehow and even though he knows that killing the evil woman will do justice but he felt he could do more, besides he hoped that there was a way to create a cure. 'Are we going to leave all the thousands of people to die? It has crossed my mind more than once, there should be some kind of cure, I mean a permanent cure or something..."(There is) the system announced silently
Back Story
"Dr Martin, don't tell me you are feeling reluctant about the test subjects. Too bad the effect isn't reversible." Dr Finn teased; she placed the blood samples she had just gotten from the test subjects into a silver tray and waved her assistants away. She turned to the middle-aged male doctor with a smile that failed to reach her eye; it is obvious she is trying to pick a fight with him."Dr Finn, it is truly regrettable that the effect of the serum isn't reversible; if it were, you would have been able to 'cure' your useless son, who is neither useful to humanity nor to the 'greater cause' you preach about. I happen to be fond of the new serum and its effect, so permit me to continue with my research; I won't see you out!" Dr Martins continued with the data he was gathering.more like putting up a front about gathering data,"Hmph! Do you think our words are enough to make me angry? I'll have you know you are gravely wrong; he has always been a useless and good-for-nothing son, and
It's never easy to kill the main boss
Expressionlessly, the test subjects got in position to fight with the various weapons given to them, varying from guns to swords.Audrey, Mr. Eric, and Dr. Finn stood in a safe space away from the ongoing battle to watch the test subject's performance."Should will reduce the stimulation on the first badge of test subjects?" Dr. Finn asked "We have tested the new ones and we don't know their capabilities yet. They'll probably be overwhelmed by the number they have to face" She explained not taking her eyes off the fighting subjects "No, there won't be a need to reduce the stimulation, we can't afford to have weak soldiers, if one dies it's just not strong enough" Mr. Eric respond On the battlefield, Eagan held the sword he was given tightly, as he rushed toward the monsters and zombies, slicing and saving their weak points as he proceeds forward. When he got surrounded, his comrades come to his aid, shooting the monsters to clear a part for him so he could proceed further. "Those s
Slave of the demon God ofchaos
"Prepare the test subjects to meet with the leader later, there mustn't be any blunders whatsoever" Dr. Finn instructed the subordinates in charge of the brainwashing, They drilled their new identities into them, such as their names and what they were required to do. Following Eagan's instruction they played along and repeated everything as the doctor said.Soon they were brought into an empty hall and were made to line up like soldiers waiting for orders, Eagan, Milo, Silver, and two other test subjects that weren't from their group stood in front while the others stood bent them in a straight and orderly line.A tall man dressed in a black suit with chocolate brown dress shoes marched in, it was the Owner of the organization, Mr. Eric, alongside the disfigured Audrey and Dr. Finn [Name: Eric Marvins Age: 28 Height: 6'2 Information: slave to the demon God of chaos, contactor of the death system ] [Name: Audrey Martin Age: 45 Height: 5'6 Information: he who betrayed his friend
Not an update
I'm sorry for the disappointments over the past few weeks, and months.I'm a bad author and I apologize, no words could describe how deeply sorry I am I have been going through some tough times and haven't been able to write as often as I would like to due to some mental strain and a lack of inspiration to do anything creative. Tough times don't last, tough people, do.I'm aware no amount of "sorry" would make up for my incompetence.Once all this is over I will update you regularly.Anyways I'm still not going be 'available' for the time being so I hope you bare with me a little longer.Thanks for understanding