Chapter 50: Rage mode
[Warning: The host is entering rage mode]

Elvis was in a state of complete rage, consumed by an uncontrollable fury that manifested itself in the form of a massive, intimidating aura.

His eyes transformed into slits reminiscent of those of a serpent, and scales began to appear on his body.

It was a transformation that had gone unnoticed by Gabriel and Charlotte until it was too late.

The changes that Elvis was undergoing were markedly different from the form he had taken earlier in the underground dungeon.

With lightning-fast speed, he lunged towards Gabriel, the ground cracking beneath him as he made contact.

Gabriel responded with swift reflexes, drawing his swords and positioning himself in a battle stance, ready for whatever attack was to come.

(Thud!) The force of Elvis' blow was so great that Gabriel was sent crashing into the wall, causing a portion of it to collapse.

As Gabriel struggled to his feet, he observed the changes in Elvis more closely. Scales covered his hands
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