Chapter 53: Trap in the endless void
'What happened? Where am I? Oh right'.

Elvis had lost all sense of time and direction.

He was adrift in a vast, empty space that seemed to go on forever.

His body had disappeared, leaving behind only a shining, ethereal form that glowed with an otherworldly light.

In this desolate void, there was no sound, no colour, no life.

There was only the emptiness, pressing in on him from all sides, suffocating him with its unrelenting silence.

As he floated there, Elvis struggled to remember how he had ended up in this place.

He had vague memories of him fighting against Gabriel, and then... nothing.

Had he died? Was this the afterlife? Or was he trapped in some sort of limbo, waiting for something to happen?

It was impossible to tell.

Time had lost all meaning in this place, and he had no way of measuring how long he had been adrift.

All he knew was that he was alone, with nothing but his own thoughts for company.

He tried to move, to reach out and touch something, anything, but his bod
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