Chapter 85: New world

The tall old thick beard man on the throne was the King of the South Kingdom, and he was delighted by the sudden appearance of the summoned heroes in his court.

He chuckled heartily and exclaimed, "Hahaha, so you are the heroes summoned by the gods to aid us in our fight against the Dark Lord. Welcome to the Southern Kingdom!"

The group gazed around in amazement at the splendor of the throne room, adorned with intricate carvings and accents of gold.

The knights who accompanied them knelt respectfully before the king, while the elderly man leading them stepped forward to address the monarch.

"Your Majesty," the old man began, "These are the heroes chosen by the gods to help us defeat the Demon Lord. They possess unique abilities and classes that make them capable of vanquishing even the mightiest of enemies."

The king listened attentively, nodding his head in agreement. "I see," he said. "I am glad to have such capable individuals on our side. We need all the assistance we can get to
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