Extra chapter 2: REDZONE
The discovery of a new and formidable creature had sent ripples of fear and apprehension throughout the town, and it was the hot topic of discussion among the people.

"Have you heard of the monstrous beast that has recently been discovered?" inquired one individual.

"Of course," replied another with a shudder. "It's nothing less than a threat to the safety of the entire suburb, and its potential for possessing human-like intelligence makes it all the more terrifying."

"Indeed," concurred the first speaker. "Given its enormous size, it should be categorized as a demon-tier level beast."

"I've heard that it's not actually a beast but a rogue mutant," interjected a third person, his voice trembling with fear. "And the worst part is that it's already claimed many innocent lives, including that of the police chief who was left deafened by its attack."

The conversation continued, with no shortage of grim details about the creature's destructive capabilities and its elusive nature, as it had
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