The landlord revealed he sold Snow to the Nightingale family at an underground slave auction.
He revealed Reeves Nightingale ran the transaction, buying Snow in cash. Barry almost went nuts as the thought of Reeves claiming ownership of his sister's life filled him with cold dread. “You cold-hearted bastard,” Barry bawled at Barnes' face. “How could you do this to me behind my back? You didn't have to sell my sister just because we owe you rent.” Barnes was scared of the viciousness in Barry's eyes that he lost most of his colour. “I-It's not my fault,” Barnes retorted nervously. “A member of the Nightingale family needed a heart transplant. They took your sister to the Central hospital, and she was a perfect match. I couldn't resist the price Reeves offered me.” Barry smacked a blow to the side of Barnes' face, dislocating his jaw. “You're evil,” Barry said breathlessly, his voice laced with malice. “When I get back, I promise you, I'll have this apartment torn to the ground. Mark my words.” Without caring to check on Barnes, Barry rushed out of the apartment, waved down a taxi and urged the driver to drive as fast as he could to Central hospital. * * * * Barry stormed into Central hospital, approaching the reception desk with hurried strides. “I need to speak with the doctor in charge of the transplant surgery for the Nightingale family.” The receptionist hesitated at first before she responded. “He's currently having a meeting." Barry glanced over the counter at a list laying on her desk. It contained office numbers and names of each medical specialists. Barry was quick to grasp the little info on the heart transplant doctor and took off without waiting for her. He looked around every corridor and passages, his mind filled with desperation. Finally, he found the doctor's office and rushed in without knocking. Seated before the doctor was the Nightingale family. Reeves Nightingale was startled when he saw Moses. He jumped to his feet. “What the hell are you doing here, Barry?” Barry's blood boiled as he gazed at Reeves. Ignoring his tone, he stepped forward towards him. “Reeves, I learned you bought my sister from my landlord. Hand her over. I'm here to take her back.” Reeves was taken aback by Barry's bold demand. “That girl was your sister? It's a small world indeed. If I had known she was related to you, I'd have paid lesser for her.” “I don't want any trouble,” Barry said. “Just hand her over. She's all I've got left.” A cruel smile lit up Reeves' face. “What gives you the stupid idea I'll hand her over? Forget it, Barry. Your sister belongs to the Nightingale family now.” Barry spread his arms, his voice rising with frustration and anger. “My stupid landlord sold her without my permission over our unpaid rent. I have every possible rights to claim her back.” Reeves' grin widened. “That's no skin off my nose. She was brought to the underground slave auction this afternoon. I paid good money for her. She's mine now.” “Then let me pay you back,” Barry pleaded, staring around the office. “I'll double the price if it suits you. Just hand over my sister back.” Reeves slapped Barry hard across the cheeks, startling him. “You're too loud and annoying, Barry,” Reeves spat out. “You seem to forget you're standing before the Nightingale family– the top elite families in North Hills. Bow and show some respect.” Barry waited for the other members of the Nightingale family to say something, but they all looked at Barry with their nose up in the air, expecting him to bow and beg them. To their surprise, Barry ignored Reeves, then turned to Kane Nightingale, the patriarch of the Nightingale family. “Mr. Kane. You paid $250,000 for my sister. I'll double the price. Just release her.” Kane Nightingale frowned at Barry's unusual confidence. “Double the price, huh? Aren't you the broke son-in-law who's a leech from the Raven family? You can't even afford to pay your own rent without help from the deceased Mrs. Evelyn.” Barry clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white. “I'll get the money. If you want it now, I'll deliver.” Kane's eyes went icy. “I'm not giving your sister back, you piece of trash. My youngest daughter, Patty, is gravely ill and in need of a heart transplant. Your sister, Snow, is a perfect match.” “But if you do that, what's going to happen to my sister?” Barry demanded, almost viciously. “She would die. I can't stand and let her die just to save a total stranger. Name your price. I'll pay you whatever amount you demand to find someone else.” At that moment, Naomi Nightingale, Kane's wife, stood up abruptly and slapped Barry across the face. “You heartless pig,” she cursed. “So you would rather prefer my daughter to die while your stupid sister goes on living, right? Here's a news flash for you! Snow belongs to us now. You're never getting her back until our Patty's life is saved.” Barry realized something at that instant. These people didn't care about him or his sister. They were confident in their power and wealth to bend him to his knees. However, Barry wasn't intimidated anymore. Twenty-four hours ago, he would have broken into tears and pleaded on his knees. But not today. Barry was rich. Far richer than any human has ever been in the history of humankind. Something died inside Barry instantly. It was his humanity. He wanted to destroy these people. He wanted to dominate them and make them crawl on their knees. Not only that, but he wanted to make them suffer the humiliation and pains he endured all these years. Taking a deep breath, Barry narrowed his eyes and turned to the doctor. “How much are you willing to sell this hospital? I want to buy everything.” The doctor and the Nightingale family were taken aback by Barry's sudden demand. They weren't expecting it. “This institution is owned by the government,” the doctor replied. “It's not in my power to sell it.” “Everything has a price,” Barry said coolly, placing his hand on the table and leaning towards the doctor. “Call your superiors and inform them Central hospital is under a new management. If the government is willing to sell, I'll buy it.”Related Chapters
I Made $900 Trillion In 24 Hours The central hospital
“You rotten piece of trash,” Reeves roared, slamming his fist on the desk. “How dare you ignore us and make such an outrageous demand? I'll have you skinned alive.”Before Reeves could make a move at Barry, Kane Nightingale stood up and raised a hand, stopping him immediately. He gazed at Barry with growing interest. “Don't push it, Reeves. Barry, you've piqued my interest. Do you really think you can buy this hospital which is owned by the government?”Barry looked straight into his eyes. “I will. Once I acquire it, the surgery won't happen.”Kane threw his head back and laughed as loud as he can. “This is just remarkable. You? Buy Central hospital? You're the same broke bastard who couldn't pay rent without the assistance of a dead woman.”Barry gritted his teeth. “Don't make mockery of Madam Evelyn.”Kane's smile widened into a smirk. “This is really entertaining to say the least. I'll humour you, Barry. Here's a deal. If you acquire this hospital this very night and prevent the s
I Made $900 Trillion In 24 Hours Account balance
Barry didn't want to reveal the entire truth. “I made a call to someone I knew.”He made it sounded so simple. As if he just pressed a few buttons. “Bullshit!” Kane Nightingale bawled angrily at him. “There's no way you could have pulled that off. Not only was the hospital bought out, but the government also forbade us from proceeding with the surgery. How did you pull it off?”Barry dug his hands in his pockets and gazed down at Kane. “What's this? I thought we had a deal? If I'm able to prevent the surgery, my sister leaves. That was the deal, or are you backing out on your words?”“You bastard!” Reeves yelled at Barry. “You had better start talking, or I'll rip you apart right here.”Barry frowned. “You can't do anything to me, Reeves. We had a deal and that's that. I won't disclose how I pull it off. I owe no one any explanation.” Barry approached the doctor in charge of the surgery and placed both hands on the desk. “About my sister, doctor. Where is she?”The doctor cleared hi
I Made $900 Trillion In 24 Hours Barry's revenge at his landlord
“Take it easy, that's painful,” Barnes groaned as his wife tended to his busted jaws. His wife hissed as she removed the ice bag from his jaw. “How could you let your tenant hit you that hard? And Barry for that matter.”“I didn't expect such a reaction from the kid,” Barnes barked, feeling humiliated at being punched by his tenant. “I can't believe you'll let that bastard get away with it,” his wife ranted. “You're a disgrace if you allow Barry to walk freely around without fixing him.”Barnes knew his wife would talk about this for weeks. She would definitely gossip to her friends and her friends would in turn tell their husbands.Soon, word would circulate and Barnes would end up becoming a laughingstock. His other tenants won't respect nor fear him. If Barry, a nobody could punch him and get away with it, the other tenants could feel the need to do the same when Barnes demands for his rent money. No, he can't allow that. No matter what, he must find Barry and make an example
I Made $900 Trillion In 24 Hours Barnes regrets
Barnes heart skipped a beat when his wife delivered the bad news. “What do you mean they destroyed our house?” Barnes asked, grabbing her shoulder and giving her a little shake. His wife snapped angrily at him. “Are you deaf? Our home was demolished five minutes after you left. They said they were given orders and permission to demolish all our properties. As at this moment, they're currently demolishing our shopping complex. Do something, Barnes. They'd ruin us all.”Barnes eyes widened in shock. He glanced at Barry and saw the seriousness in his eyes. That was when he realized Barry wasn't fooling around. “Barry, what have you done?” Barry wore back his dark glasses. “I kept my promise to you, landlord. You never should have sold my sister in the first place. This is your punishment for your wickedness.”Barnes owned the block of apartments which his twenty tenants lived in. He also owned a small shopping complex and a private house. If what his wife was telling him was true,
I Made $900 Trillion In 24 Hours The real estate agent
After crushing his landlord, Barry decided to buy a house and become his own landlord. Evelyn Raven had left Barry the White mansion off the coast of North Hills in her will, but due to his divorce with Laura, his ex-wife took claim of the mansion. The White mansion was built in Diamond estate, one of the most luxurious estates in North Hills. As soon as the taxi cab driver dropped him at the motel and drove off, Barry took out his phone and called Veronica.He was worth $900 Trillion. It's about time he put his money to good use. Veronica answered on the first ring. “Good afternoon, Barry. How can I be of help to you?”“I need a house,” Barry answered. “Preferably at Diamond estate.”“What kind of house do you want, Barry?” Veronica asked. Barry smiled. “The best money can buy.”“Say no more,” Veronica replied him. “I'm going to contact the real estate board. You don't mind me giving them your number do you?”Moses shook his head. “No I don't.”“Very well, Barry,” Veronica said.
I Made $900 Trillion In 24 Hours The Bet
The Real estate agent scoffed. “What mistake are you talking about? Get lost, or I'll have no other choice but to call the cops to kick you out.”Just then, the agent's phone rang, breaking the tense silence hanging in the atmosphere. He hurriedly pulled out his phone and was startled to see the caller ID was his superior. “Hello, Mr. Hemsworth,” the agent said respectfully. “Has the buyer arrived yet, Jerry?” Mr. Hemsworth asked over the line. Barry who had been listening caught the agent's name. "So the agent's name is, Jerry," Barry thought. Jerry sighed, pacing up and down. “It's been nearly an hour and I still haven't seen him.”“What! An hour? What's taking him so long?” Hemsworth demanded. “Is he serious about buying this house or not.”“Beats me,” Jerry turned to Barry and sneered at him. “There's someone here though, but he's a nobody.”“A nobody? Who the bloody hell is that?” Hemsworth asked, curiously. “Oh you wouldn't know him because you're new in North Hills,” Jer
I Made $900 Trillion In 24 Hours A new house owner
Moses was impressed with the house as Jerry gave him a tour. The mansion was powered by an advanced voice-activated artificial intelligence system called ZEUS. ZEUS manages the room temperature, the lightening and cooling system. ZEUS was also built with an upgraded security system that operates the smart cameras in the house and controls the home appliances. The living room was lavishly furnished with a massive chandelier, plush Italian furniture and a 150 -inch OLED TV. It's dining area had a twelve chairs handcrafted mahogany table. There were six bedrooms built within the mansion with a walk-in closet and a jacuzzi bath in each bedroom. Then there was the home theater; a velvet coloured soundproof room with a 4K projection system and a popcorn station. To Barry's delight, the Mansion contained an underground private gym with cutting-edge equipments. There was the private pool and exotic maze garden with a koi pond. The mansion also boasts of its spacious underground park
I Made $900 Trillion In 24 Hours My ex-husband, Barry
Later that evening, Barry returned to the motel to pick up his sister. Snow was reading a book when Barry barged into their room. “Pack up Snow,” Barry announced with a big smile on his face. “We're moving out of this cheap motel.”Snow kept her book aside, curious about Barry's improved mood. “We're moving? Where to?” She asked. Barry sat on the bed, stretching his hand to caress her hair. “Remember that interview I told you I was going to?”Snow nodded. “Yeah, sure. How was it?”“I got hired at the spot,” Barry lied. “My new boss seemed to like me. He needed someone he could trust. Someone who could look after his house while he's away on business trips.”Snow raised an eyebrow. “You're going to be a caretaker?”Barry nodded, feeling embarrassed at the lies he was spilling to her. “You see, my new boss bought this expensive mansion, but he's rarely in the country to live in it. He needs someone he could trust to live inside and look after the house for him while he's away.”Snow
Latest Chapter
The candidates
It was the first week of new year and Barry had flown back to North Hills with his sister and Veronica. Before Barry left Wesington city, he made sure the project was progressing well without his involvement.Veronica assured him she would take full control of the project in his absence.Barry took her word for it and let her do her job.In the meantime, now he was back from the holidays, Barry began setting his priorities straight.This year, he was going to graduate from college and his sister is also graduating from high school.He also has plans to marry Veronica this year. There was just so much to be done.Barry adjusted his suit as he stepped into the lobby of Sullivan Group headquarters. He was ready to dive back into business and expand his company as far as he possibly could. The clean energy car project was at it's peak. Barry wanted to see its progress firsthand before focusing on his upcoming graduation and wedding plans. As he walked through the lobby, his sharp eye
New resting place
"I'm going to tear Wesington city to the ground and rebuild it again," Barry told Veronica. He had returned back to the hotel and was having breakfast with Veronica when he brought up his plans.Veronica's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, what made you changed your mind?""I believe it's something my mother would want," Barry responded. "This is my hometown. I can transform it."Veronica looked so proud of Barry. "You keep surprising me everyday Barry. Have you spoken to the president about it?""Yeah, about that," Barry wiped his mouth with a napkin. "He's agreed to to hold a meeting with you to discuss the details."Veronica stared at him for a while. "Let me guess, you're going to put me in charge of this project, aren't you?"Barry smirked. "I'm afraid so. I want the Sullivan Group to be the sole sponsor of this project. You'll do a great job at it, won't you?"Veronica sighed. "Well, it was my idea in the world first place. I guess I'll do it."Barry reached out and held her hand
Marcus groveled
Mr. West's face turned crimson with rage as he grabbed Marcus by the collar. "You insolent fool! On your knees! Grovel and beg for Miss Phoenix's forgiveness this instant!" Veronica held up a hand. "I don't need his apology. He should be groveling to Barry—the man he just humiliated. He's outside in the cold with his sister." Mr. West didn't hesitate. He was scared of Veronica not because she's a big shot but because the Pearl Hotel was built with a staggering loan from the Phoenix Bank which was still being paid. If Veronica flip off the script, the entire hotel could come crashing down and Mr. West would lose his job.He seized Marcus by the ear and dragged him, stumbling and wincing, out of the lobby and into the cold evening air where Barry and Snow stood. "Apologize to Mr. Reeds now!" the manager barked, shoving Marcus forward. "Do it or I'll crucify you where you stand." Marcus fell to his hands and knees in front of Barry. His voice trembled as he spoke. "B-Barry… I-
Mr. West
Marcus staggered back, clutching his cheek, his face red with anger. His eyes narrowed as he glared at Snow, his voice rising to a shout. "How dare you! Do you have any idea who I am? I’ll have you thrown in juvenile delinquency prison for that! You can’t just slap me and get away with it!"Snow stood her ground, her eyes blazing with fury. "You keep my mother’s name out of your mouth! I won’t let you insult her or make a mockery of her. You have no right!"Marcus cursed under his breath, his face twisted with rage. "You little brat! You think you can come here and act all high and mighty? You’re nothing but trash from the slums, just like your brother!"Barry stepped forward, his eyes hard and his voice low but dangerous. "That’s enough, Marcus. You’re going to grovel and apologize to my sister right now."Marcus laughed, a harsh, mocking sound that echoed through the lobby. "Apologize? To her? Barry, you must be stupid. Do you think you’re some big shot now? You’re still the same
Barry's Hometown
"Big brother, I'll like to visit our hometown for the holiday," Snow said. It was the 20th of December and only five days to Christmas. Barry was already making preparations for having an amazing Christmas with himself, Snow and Veronica.But then Snow's request hit Barry like a brick wall. "You want to celebrate Christmas at our hometown? But Snow, we haven't been there for years.""I know," Snow said, her eyes pleading. "I have friends I grew up with at our old neighborhood and I'll want to see them again. Even more so, I wish to visit our mother's grave and spend some time with her."Barry was surprised at Snow's request. Ever since he acquired wealth, it never crossed his mind to visit his hometown. The bad memories of his past caused him to hate his hometown. But Snow has a point. His mother's grave would need a better renovation."You know what," Barry playfully ruffled her hair. "Why don't we all fly to our hometown and spend both Christmas and new year over there?"Snow's ey
Successful Car launch
Barry moved swiftly to execute his plan. Within days of securing the agreement with President Grayson, the Sullivan Group settled off the staggering $20 trillion national debt as if it was nothing.The creditors, satisfied with the payment, relinquished control of the airports, seaports, and railways, allowing the country’s infrastructure to resume operations. The economy was still fragile but with Barry taking total control of everything, it began to stabilize as trade routes reopened and businesses slowly came back to life.The people were happy and sang the president praises.But no one knew the true deal Grayson had with Barry. If the people knew, they'd be outraged.Meanwhile, Barry now wielded unprecedented power no one had ever imagined. He had full control of the national treasury, giving him authority over the country’s finances. Barry also oversaw all government contracts and budgets, ensuring that every major decision required his approval before it's executed. Hencefo
The secret deal
Barry leaned back in his chair. “Then we have no deal, Mr. President. If you’re not willing to cooperate, the Sullivan Group won’t help you. It’s as simple as that.”President Grayson’s face flushed with anger, and he turned sharply to Veronica, pointing an accusatory finger at Barry. “What is his deal? Who does he think he is? I’m not making a deal with him! I’m making a deal with you, Ms. Phoenix. This man has no right to speak to me like this!”Barry’s lips curled into a faint smirk. Veronica responded, her tone cool. “Mr. President, as I mentioned earlier, Barry is an integral part of this discussion. He speaks for the Sullivan Group. If you want our help, you’ll have to negotiate with him.”Barry interjected. “It’s like Veronica said, Mr. President. I’m important to this deal. $20 trillion doesn’t come cheap. If the Sullivan Group is going to give up that amount of money, we might as well take total control of the country. But we’re not that greedy. You and your regime can still
The national debt
Barry began production of his clean energy cars project which would kick start Sullivan Group production.With support from other investors, Barry was set to dominate the automobile market.All was moving well until one morning, tragedy struck.Barry sat before the television, watching a public press conference organized by the president to address the county.“My fellow citizens,” the president began, his voice heavy with regret, “it is with a heavy heart that I address you this morning. Our nation has fallen into a staggering debt of $20 trillion. Despite our best efforts, we are unable to settle this debt. As a result, our three international airports, two major shipping ports, and five key railway stations will be seized as collateral by our creditors.”Barry’s jaw tightened as the president continued. “This is a trying time for our nation, and I ask for your understanding and patience as we navigate this crisis. We are exploring all possible solutions, but the road ahead will be
I Serve no master
Zayn couldn't believe his ears when he learnt that the Eclipse Diamond was bought by Veronica Phoenix."How?" He yelled in his phone at Dorian Blackwood. "How did you let this happen? Why couldn't you get to me first before you sold the diamond?"Dorian was on the other end of the line. He had just handed over the Eclipse diamond to the representatives of the Phoenix family an hour ago before Zayn's call dropped in."I had to, your majesty," Dorian replied him, coolly. "My company was going under by the minutes. Veronica Phoenix offered to help in exchange for the diamond. It's my most priceless possessions.""You should've talked to me about this first," Zayn snapped. "I wanted that diamond. Would she be willing to sell it to me?"Dorian replied with a gloomy expression on his face. "I'm afraid not, your highness. Veronica Phoenix cleared $50 billion of debt in exchange for the diamond. She's not going to give it up that easy."Zayn felt blood rush to his face. He wanted to strangl