Defeating the Demon Army

Flakes of human flesh and blood spurted from the wyvern's gaping mouth.

In the next instant, the dragon that also belonged to the Sky Dragon species felt a terrifying aura heading towards it. Its instincts told it so.

The moment the wyvern looked back, a blinding lightning bolt flashed and hit its body, thumping loudly, and killing it instantly.

The wyvern's body split into several large pieces. It fell to the ground with blood gushing violently from each piece of its body.

The mysterious man with the wide hood was floating calmly far up there. He took a deeper breath, keeping an eye on the monstrous creatures still raging for the destruction of the Southern Wall.

"Two down," he muttered. "And many more to go!"

He took off again, chasing after the winged dragons that were still in the air and threatening the warriors and soldiers with their fire breath.


Not wanting to linger or let the Demon Army rampage any further, the mysterious man cast a spell while flying quickly toward another Silverwings-type wyvern.

He transformed his right hand into an extremely sharp greatsword. A sword of light, bluish, and with it he chopped off the wyvern's head with just a single slash.


The wyvern crashed heavily to the ground. Although its head was severed, its body still writhed for a moment, and blood gushed violently from its severed neck.

There was no time to play around for the mysterious mage. Now with both hands that created bluish light swords at once, he brought down another Sky Dragon, and another, and another until all the winged dragons that threatened the skies of the Southern Wall fell to the ground and died.

Every time the mysterious figure with the wide hood managed to bring down a flying dragon, the soldiers, and warriors who witnessed the action cried out in joy as if encouraging the figure.



A pair of Spiny Serpents emerged from the ground, right in front of the South Wall gate. The huge spines all over their bodies stretched straight and shook violently until they made a disconcerting rattling sound.

Both belonged to the Earth Dragon species, and that meant, they also possessed fire breath.

One of the Spiny Serpents looked straight up. A reddish hue was visible from its chin to the bottom of its body, a sign that it was about to unleash its fireball.

And before that happened, the mysterious mage had already cast his great lightning bolt as he swooped down toward the dragon.


A blinding lightning bolt flashed and struck the Spiny Serpent's head. It thudded loudly and simultaneously shattered the Earth Dragon's head into fragments that scattered in all directions.



The huge, long, headless body now staggered, then crashed to the ground hard. It leaned against a large wall.

The reddish hue on its lower body slowly faded and disappeared.

Another one became enraged towards the mysterious mage and let out a mighty roar, then tried to pounce on him with its deadly jaws.

The mysterious mage easily dodged the Spiny Serpent's pounce and darted further away.

The legless and wingless Earth Dragon crawled quickly on the ground, chasing after the hooded figure.

He opened his jaws again and this time with a reddish hue there.

The mysterious man snorted softly and then stopped flying abruptly.

Just as the Spiny Serpent moved its head backward so that its body formed an S shape, the mysterious man darted towards it.

A split second after the Spiny Serpent opened its jaws wider, its fire breath burst out violently.

The mysterious man continued to dart even as the Spiny Serpent's blast of fire seemed to wrap around his body.



The people watching became dumbstruck. The mysterious man entered the deadly jaws of the Spiny Serpent.

For a moment, it looked as if the monstrous creature managed to eat the mysterious mage by throwing its head up.

However, the next second, a sword of bluish light appeared and pierced its neck on the left and right sides.

Inside the Spiny Serpent's throat, the mysterious man continued to slide downwards, spinning around with both hands each emitting a sword of light.


The Earth Dragon let out a roar as the spinning lightsaber cut into its body from the inside.

Crash! Slash!

People were again stunned to see how the huge and long creature was dismembered, then exploded, and fell to the ground.

From the explosion in the creature's belly emerged the mysterious mage with two light swords in his right and left hands.

"Wh-Who the hell is he?" muttered a knight.

The mysterious man darted again, killing a giant gorilla with one horn on its forehead with his light swords.

He darted again and stopped the rampage of a half-human half-buffalo creature that was five times bigger than a grown man. The lightning he created killed the creature instantly.

Now that the battle looked unbalanced, the Demon Army was thrown into disarray by the mysterious mage.

And the warriors and soldiers could only be amazed by the power and magic of the mysterious figure. Others tried to give aid to their wounded comrades, or simply take them to a safer place.

By evening, the mysterious figure had defeated all the Demon Troops who were trying to destroy the southern wall of the West Coast, single-handedly.

Everyone in the southern part of the Great Wall tried to find out about the mysterious figure, even wanting to get to know him more closely.

Of course, having someone like that powerful mage on their side was a great advantage.

Unfortunately, the figure soon disappeared along with the last creature he destroyed, a large gorilla with one horn on its forehead.

Once the puffs of dust and smoke became brighter in the area outside the ruined wall, the mysterious man was no longer there.

This left people there with much speculation and thought.

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