The Appearance of a Mysterious Mage

The Archers lined up at the top of the great wall, aiming at every creature from the Demon Army they could find.

Outside the wall, the Knights and Swordsmen worked together to bring down the monstrous creatures. They ranged from those the size of a full-grown buffalo to those dozens of times larger. From creatures with trunks and legs to creatures with no legs at all.

As for the battle in the air, to intercept and repel enemies from the winged dragon race, it is the Mage who takes the role. With all their magic and abilities, they try to bring down the creatures that have the breath of fire.

Not a few have become victims, both from the human side and from the Demon Army side. All lay lifeless on the ground, with their bodies intact or disjointed. With bodies pierced by arrows and other weapons or burned.

The few warriors and soldiers who were still alive down there tried to crawl away and find shelter until the war was over.

But it seemed the attacks of those ferocious creatures were getting worse.

One by one, the mages were victimized by the fireballs of the dragons, or the deadly jaws with dagger-sharp teeth, or simply fell to the ground and died.



Several spots along the wall collapsed under the onslaught.

The soldiers and warriors continued to fight back despite their obvious plight.

"Keep fighting!" shouted an admiral. "Don't stop unless you die!"

A mage floated in the air and then jerked his two hands forward. Lightning flashed from his palms, aiming at a winged dragon.



The dragon of the Sky Dragon species roared as it was hit by the Mage's lightning until both wings were broken, and then floated down, crashing heavily to the ground.

One stone for two birds. At least, the Mage also managed to stop the movement of a large gorilla down there that was crushed by the Sky Dragon's massive body.

Unfortunately, a wyvern managed to bulldoze the Mage with a swipe of its tail.


The Mage let out a short whine and floated down to the ground. But he was still alive even with severe injuries and a broken leg.

He tried to crawl away from the trampling feet or crushed bodies of other creatures with great difficulty.

The mage froze as someone stood before him.

"Wh-Who are you?" he asked in distress.

The person was mysteriously dressed in a wide hood that covered most of his face. And his clothes did not indicate that he was someone from the Land of Purbha at all.

"Help me," pleaded the mage. "Please, I'm hurt. My leg is broken. And some of my ribs―"

The Mage choked and vomited a lot of blood.

The mysterious figure said nothing but moved the fingers on his right hand.

And that was enough to make the Mage lift, and then float away behind the mysterious figure.

"Hey, don’t―"

The Mage could breathe a sigh of relief as the mysterious figure had no ill intentions towards him and instead put him in a safer position.

"Thank you!"

The mysterious figure seemed to glance at the Mage over his shoulder, but it was not very noticeable because he was wearing a wide head hood made of thick and rough cloth.

In the next instant, the Mage was stunned to witness how the mysterious figure floated, then darted very quickly towards a Sky Dragon that was trying to crush a large spear with its fire breath attack.

It all looked so easy for the figure to do.


"Wh-Who is he?" he muttered to himself. "What kind of mage is he?"

"Aim for the damn thing's eyes!" a Warlord shouted at the Archers on top of the wall. "Take it down!"

The Sky Dragon with the sorrel body color sent another burst of fire towards the wall.

What was most frightening about the attack was that the flame was more like a pillar of fire that was so hot that it melted some of the scales of the wall.

"Kill that thing, now!"


The Warlord was shocked as a figure suddenly appeared out of nowhere, floating in front of them, and was able to withstand the Sky Dragon's fire pillar blast.

Not only the Warlord but also almost all the Archers and soldiers nearby.

The dragon's blast of fire seemed to be held back by a large, intangible shield.

The mysterious figure grinned faintly. "Sorry, buddy," he muttered. "You must be stopped!"


People were even more surprised to realize that the blast of fire was rolling and reversing direction, becoming bigger and more powerful.



The Sky Dragon roared in agony as its flame bursts turned around and scorched it.

While the dragon was staggering, the mysterious figure darted quickly toward it and floated a few meters above it.

The figure raised his right hand high until it seemed to emit a blackish glow. An instant later, he slammed that hand downwards.


A powerful wave of wind slammed into the burning Sky Dragon.


It exploded and killed the monstrous creature instantly, sending it crashing to the ground, right below the great wall.

The Warlord on top of the wall gulped.

"Too strong," he muttered, but even so, it was still heard by the others. "He's too strong. Who is he?"

And of course, no one could answer that question. What's more, the figure seemed to deliberately hide his face and identity.

The mysterious man's actions didn't end there. After he dropped the Sky Dragon just now, he immediately found his next target.

The wyvern that had previously knocked a mage to the ground was now on a rampage, trying to kill the remaining mages with its fire breath, with the grip of its sharp-clawed feet, or simple whipping of its tail.

One mage screamed and died, unable to dodge the wyvern's jaws with a pair of wings that glinted like silver.

It flung its head left and right until the mage's body in its jaws snapped and fell to the ground, then let out a mighty roar.


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