All Chapters of I No Clown: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
31 chapters
How It All Began
A century ago, monsters emerged from the Western Sea that we call the Demon Army, becoming the first wave of a massive attack on humanity. No one knew the cause of their appearance, nor the horrific attack itself.And since then, this magical world has never been the same.Phastyna, Uttara, both continents have been turned into hells. No humans lived there anymore... Yeah, except for those who became slaves or whatever was imposed on those who were captured.The Knights, Swordsmen, Archers, and Mages... they are all now concentrating in Svarnabhumi.And if, if... this central continent also eventually falls under the onslaught of the Demon Army, then the Dakhsina Continent as well as the Purbha where we live now is only a matter of time before it is destroyed.It would only be a bedtime story."Mathias!"A man at the age of 27 raised his face. "Y-Yes, Mr. Sami?"The middle-aged man stared intently at Mathias. "What do you think will happen after that, hmm?"Mathias shrugged. "Nothing!
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Unexpected Strikes
"It's no use," Cindy said with a long sigh. "You haven't mastered a single magic, honey. As for Ryvel, he's already mastered second-level magic."Cindy accompanied Mathias as they left the Art Building where the Sami taught the younger generation the skills to become a knight, swordsman, archer, or mage."Thank you," Mathias tried to bring his lips to Cindy's.However, the girl did not seem to be in a good mood and moved away from his lips. The man sighed softly."Try harder," Cindy sighed deeply.The next second, the carriage moved under the watchful eye of a coachman, carrying Cindy away from Mathias' presence."Trust me, sweetheart," Mathias murmured. "I've tried as well and as hard as I could...""Mathias!" an 18-year-old girl ran out of the house. "You're home!"Mathias smiled widely. The bruises on his face he didn't care about at all. He welcomed the hug of the girl who was his sister.And that girl was the only reason why Mathias didn't want to leave the Land of Purbha forever
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Forced by Circumstance
The fireball hit the ground, just a step behind Mathias who was hugging his sister, then exploded and created a hole in the ground.The explosion also threw Mathias and Alicia into the air and returned to the ground with a loud thud.Mathias was in excruciating pain all over his body, most notably, his burnt back.In the midst of it all, he still maintained some semblance of consciousness to find his little sister.He screamed her name but he could not hear because his hearing was ringing so loudly that it was almost deafening.When he found where Alicia had crashed, he tried to crawl over to her.However, several hands came to grab him and force him to stand up, then lifted him and carried him to one place.He still saw his little sister, albeit faintly, screaming again with her arms outstretched. He saw other people also lifting Alicia who seemed to be motionless.Then the cavalry and hundreds of other people came as if to prevent the Demon Army from moving further.The last thing M
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"Sir," Mathias gulped. "But I―""No excuses, rookie!" the Knight scolded as he grabbed Mathias by the shoulders, forcing him to move. "Gather with the others, go!"Mathias' dazed steps amid his confusion, also worrying about his sister's condition, were drowned out by the steps of many others who were about to exit the great hall."Move, idiot!" someone pushed Mathias roughly. "You lousy rookie!""Get out!" someone shouted. "This building won't last much longer! Hurry up!""Hey, hey!" Mathias tried to keep up with the other rookies. "Hey, what's going on?"The young man in question frowned. "Where have you been?""No, I was just―""Don't you see?" said the youth. "The Demon Army has reached here. If you still want to stay inside this hall, be my guest! I don't want to die buried inside this hall!""Hey, did you see―" Mathias widened his eyes and stopped his steps.Some people were annoyed by Mathias deliberately stopping in the middle of the flow of people who were trying to find safe
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In Nowhere
But he didn't want to give up so easily. He continued to struggle and try his hardest until he was finally able to grab the tip of the spear with the clasp of his legs.With all his strength, he pulled out the spear and made the wyvern roar again, then quickly passed the spear to his free left hand."Die, you bastard!" he shouted. "Go to Hell!"Stab! Stab!Once, twice, and five times Mathias stabbed the wyvern in the stomach. The sixth stab accidentally hit the creature's chin as it tried to grab Mathias' spear with its jaws.Stab!The wyvern's blood was pouring out and with the spear embedded in its chin, it lost consciousness.And Mathias knew there was no way he would survive the fall from that height.Gravity took over as the wyvern no longer had the energy to flap its wings.Both of them fell very fast.Mathias screamed at the top of his lungs and the next moment, the wyvern was slammed hard into the side of a hill in the shape of a giant pillar. The farm boy was still lucky as h
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The Appearance of a Mysterious Mage
The Archers lined up at the top of the great wall, aiming at every creature from the Demon Army they could find.Outside the wall, the Knights and Swordsmen worked together to bring down the monstrous creatures. They ranged from those the size of a full-grown buffalo to those dozens of times larger. From creatures with trunks and legs to creatures with no legs at all.As for the battle in the air, to intercept and repel enemies from the winged dragon race, it is the Mage who takes the role. With all their magic and abilities, they try to bring down the creatures that have the breath of fire.Not a few have become victims, both from the human side and from the Demon Army side. All lay lifeless on the ground, with their bodies intact or disjointed. With bodies pierced by arrows and other weapons or burned.The few warriors and soldiers who were still alive down there tried to crawl away and find shelter until the war was over.But it seemed the attacks of those ferocious creatures were
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Defeating the Demon Army
Flakes of human flesh and blood spurted from the wyvern's gaping mouth.In the next instant, the dragon that also belonged to the Sky Dragon species felt a terrifying aura heading towards it. Its instincts told it so.The moment the wyvern looked back, a blinding lightning bolt flashed and hit its body, thumping loudly, and killing it instantly.The wyvern's body split into several large pieces. It fell to the ground with blood gushing violently from each piece of its body.The mysterious man with the wide hood was floating calmly far up there. He took a deeper breath, keeping an eye on the monstrous creatures still raging for the destruction of the Southern Wall."Two down," he muttered. "And many more to go!"He took off again, chasing after the winged dragons that were still in the air and threatening the warriors and soldiers with their fire breath.Whoosh!Not wanting to linger or let the Demon Army rampage any further, the mysterious man cast a spell while flying quickly toward
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Night on the West Coast
But one thing was certain. The magic possessed by the mysterious figure far surpassed all the mages on the West Coast. At least, they considered the mysterious man to be a Great Mage."Where did he go?" asked an admiral on the Great Wall.He was watching every point down there with a telescope."Looks like he doesn't want to be recognized," replied a female mage to the admiral's right. "Oh, God... imagine if such a powerful mage were our friend!""Yeah," the admiral replied. "That's exactly what I was thinking. Goddamn it!"The admiral gave up trying to find the mysterious mage with his telescope."No matter what," he continued, "we need to find out who he is. Then bring him to the Central Empire!""I think that's a great wish that might be difficult to fulfill.""Nothing is impossible!" the admiral glared at the mage. "While we have the chance, we can do it!"The mage took a deep breath, then cast her gaze down to where the surviving warriors and soldiers were cleaning up the battlef
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A Voice in the Mind
"Only this area of the West Coast remains in the Land of Purbha," Edwar said. "The orders from the Svarnabhumi Empire are clear, all the nobles must be in the Central Continent to better strategize and plan the resistance. Admiral, what about the soldiers and warriors?"Another middle-aged man stood up."Lord Blackwood," he said and then addressed the others, "Gentlemen... the remaining soldiers and warriors, they will remain here until the reinforcements from Svarnabhumi and Dakhsina arrive.""I think it might be better to just let the Land of Purbha be occupied by them," said one of the officers on the left. "We can take the soldiers and warriors with us!""No, that won't happen!" argued another."He's right!" said the one in the center. "Letting the Demon Army take over the entire Land of Purbha is tantamount to driving humanity to extinction!""Don't you realize, huh?" said the man on the left. "Those few thousand soldiers and warriors left, they'll all die before the reinforcemen
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The Rage Within
The hooded man growled softly pressing his head even harder. He became annoyed and removed the wide hood on his head, throwing the thick and coarse cloth onto the bed.For a moment he just sat there, wringing his hair before standing up and approaching the window.He looked at the sea with its not-so-big waves, lapping and breaking on the shore.The moonlight right at its highest point provided a little better illumination.And the mysterious man was none other than Mathias.He looked up at the night sky which looked quite beautiful this time, then down at the sea which reflected the moonlight, glittering like a pile of diamonds here and there."Where are you now, Alie?" he murmured almost inaudibly.He looked back at his right hand, turning it over and over in such a way.Just as he was about to return his gaze to the sea at the far end, Mathias heard a woman's scream from the right.He frowned and found a bit of commotion in his line of sight."Do people like this deserve to be save
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