All Chapters of I No Clown: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
31 chapters
Are You Worthy?
Once he moved his right hand back, the bluish light hit the warrior instantly, sending him far back.People gulped as they watched how the warrior whose back had hit the wall hard was slowly burning. It started with his chest turning red, then peeled off like burnt paper, and spread to the rest of his body.He screamed in extreme pain. An instant later, his body disappeared along with the debris that flew in the wind.People looked back at Mathias with eyes filled with great question marks and shock. But even greater than that was the fear of him."Surround him!" shouted a soldier commander.More than a dozen warriors instantly moved and locked Mathias in the center with the girl, the Knight, and three other shirtless warriors."You have killed a warrior, Stranger!" the commander shouted. "And that was a big mistake!"The three shirtless men looked at each other with pale faces and feared for their own lives now.Two of them were mages, but neither possessed the magic they had just se
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Another Way
"No, wait, please! Spare my life, please―"Stab!The thirty-year-old man died with five holes in the face. His body still twitched for a few seconds before settling down.Mathias grinned at the bloodied fingers of his right hand. He stood up and glanced towards the back left."Wh-Who are you? Why are you killing them?" said another person in the corner of the room, a very messy room."You're the one named Aoris?"The man in the corner gulped, face pale, eyes wide as he looked at the heavily hooded man approaching him."I-I..." In the end, he nodded albeit stammeringly."Then you must die as well!""Why?" cried Aoris. Cold sweat dripped down his temples. "What wrong have we done?""You know better than I do!" Mathias stopped a step in front of Aoris."B-But, but we're Purbha's soldiers! We're fighting against the Demon Army!"Mathias grinned faintly. Slowly, he removed the hood that covered his head and part of his face.Aoris grew choked up as he looked at the face that was now clearl
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Blackwood's Ambition
The two had just finished lunch when a soldier came to meet them."What do you want, soldier?" asked Ryvel as he leaned against the back of a chair."Young Master," the soldier bowed. "Lord Blackwood requests your presence on the center deck. Everyone has gathered there."Cindy stood up and headed for the wardrobe."Don't worry, soldier," she said as she selected her clothes. "We'll be right there.""Very well, Miss Zircon."Ryvel waved her hand, and the warrior nodded and left the luxurious room."Could there be something important that he wants from me?"Ryvel walked up to Cindy and then hugged her intimately from behind.Cindy giggled softly in amusement."He's your father, Ryvel. Not mine. Try to understand his nature and character better.""Yeah, right..." Ryvel kissed the nape of the girl's neck while his two hands wrapped around her slender waist. "How about you become my teacher, hmm?""Oh, stop it for a second, would you?"Cindy giggled again and turned around with a dress in
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A Grueling Path
"No one knows!"Ryvel frowned. "Why? Shouldn't everyone in this world know who the Emperor really is?""Be careful with your curiosity, son!"The father's piercing gaze silenced the son.Without even being told, Ryvel realized that this was a very sensitive issue.And that meant he was forbidden to bring it up anywhere, especially on Svarnabhumi grounds.Someone shouted outside, followed by shouts from others as well.Edwar Blackwood realized that their ship would soon be docking at the Eastern Main Harbor."Mark my words, son," he told Ryvel. "This is for our future."The son took a deep breath and left his father's room.The sun had shifted from its zenith to the west, in its last third, when six large ships tried to dock in one large harbor. One of them was the largest."Father..." Cindy Zircon leaned closer to her father. "This large harbor is not what I imagined."Demian Zircon smiled as he kept his pace down the ship."What did you expect, sweetheart?" her father replied. "All d
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Dakhsina is No Longer Safe
Mathias awoke to a muffled crash from below. Something seemed to have deliberately struck the hull.Probably a chunk of ice, he thought.Since yesterday, it has been much colder out at sea. After all, according to the other passengers, they were expected to arrive in the freezing South today.He got up half lazily. From the sunlight coming into his small cabin, he thought it was early morning.Thud!His eyes widened and his demeanor became more alert.The impact felt much stronger this time which made the ship sway slightly, this also made the passengers who had already woken up screech.No, he thought, this ship didn't hit an iceberg!Mathias grabbed his jacket and thick cloak, which he used as a hood to cover his head and part of his face.Thump!"Goddamn it!" he muttered as he quickly made his way to the deck. "Didn't they say Dakhsina was still safe from intrusion?"At the same time, the screams of the dozen or so passengers aboard the ship sounded even more hysterical.The men ha
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Land of Dakhsina
The men had to hold on to something a second time because Mathias's violent lightning strikes also shook the ship.Hysterical screams could be heard from the cabins as the ship shook crazily.Mathias' lightning magic hit the white creature beneath the water's surface with a thud.As if it had been shocked by thousands of volts of electricity, the creature shook violently beneath the surface of the water making the surface turbulent, and at the same time, making the ship shake more wildly.Mathias pressed his legs together with another magical exertion to keep the ship from capsizing."Hold on to something!" shouted the ship owner. "You don't want to be thrown overboard!"The white-furred creature continued to flounder until half of its body rose above the water's surface.The men were stunned as if rooted in their respective positions. The creature looked like a giant walrus.However, its roar did not sound like the roar of a walrus. After all, since when did walruses have wide spines
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Soft but Feared
"You're panicking too much, Margareth," a man approached the woman, touching her shoulder to calm her down. "Take it easy. Right now, we must band together and think of ways to survive. Take pity on your daughter!"Margareth looked down, gazing sadly at her daughter.The little girl also looked at her mother with uncertainty, her mother's soft and warm touch on her head giving her the calm she needed."It's okay," Margareth whispered to her daughter. "Everything will be okay."“Do you have any ideas, Mr. Owner?” Mathias asked the ship owner again. “It would be difficult for these people to survive in this area.”“Uh-huh, I guess so,” the owner sighed heavily with his hands on his waist and looked around. “Yeah, you're right.”“Hey,” a middle-aged man approached the ship owner and Mathias. “Can't we use those houses? I'm sure we can warm up the inside one way or another.”“No, that's too risky,” Mathias said. “Those creatures might live in the sea, but there's no guarantee they won't c
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A Different Society
“Are the demons attacking Svarnabhumi again?”“No, Your Majesty,” replied the counselor. “I would like to inform you that the nobles and dignitaries of the land of Purbha have arrived. Currently, they are heading to the Main City from the harbor at the East Gate.”“Ahh...” came a soft giggle from behind the golden curtain. “Those lowly people are finally willing to listen to my orders.”“Your Majesty,” Dhurm bowed again and still knelt in his position.A servant on the right side approached the emperoress, handing her a cup of drink.That was all that was visible from behind the golden curtain.“They have no choice, Your Majesty,” Dhurm continued. “The latest information we have is that the land of Purbha has been devastated. Only one percent of the territory remains that has not been overrun by the demons.”“Curse them,” said the emperor. “Only when they can no longer survive will they fulfill my command.”“Does Your Majesty have any orders for me?”“No, not yet. How many of them hav
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Meet the Locals
“If you lose your temper so easily,” the father continued, ”believe me, our goals will never be accomplished.”“I know, Father. I know,” the son agreed. “It's just, they... I don't know!”“What are you talking about?”“Or at least,” Ryvel continued, ”they could give us a traveling companion.”Edwar finally opened his eyes and glancing with a frown at his son in disbelief.The son shrugged. “To alleviate the boredom, of course.”“Oh, God...” Edwar snorted and closed his eyes again. “No, you didn't say that to my face.”“But, Father―”“Stop blabbing, Son. I'm trying to sleep here!”“Oh, whatever,” Ryvel muttered, shrugging his shoulders again and casting his gaze out the window.***“We're lucky,” said the ship owner, ”it's not snowing right now.”“But this temperature still makes my feet feel like they're freezing,” said a man in the back.“Otherwise,” continued the owner, ignoring the grumbling of the man behind him, ”it's not just your feet that will freeze, idiot.You'll turn comple
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Following the Larants
“Are you kidding me?” said the first man. “With just one look, you can decide like that?”“Oh, for God's sake, man,” replies the first man. “Don't you see? They look so pathetic. Besides, why bring all those women and children?”“Who can know their shit?” said the first man. “After all, they're outsiders, man.”“Oh, gosh... that's what you said again.”“Enough of you two,” the chief glared at the two. “Can't you just not fight about everything, huh?”“Sorry, Chief,” the two said.“We're sorry!” the ship owner shouted in response to the chief's question. “We had no ill intentions in coming to Dakhsina, except to hitchhike.”“O-Our homeland has been destroyed!” shouted a man behind the owner.The ship owner frowned. “I told you to shut up, you fools!” he said, his voice suppressed.“But it's true, isn't it?” the man gulped.“What's going on here?” Mathias walked up to the ship owner, still carrying the little girl. “Who are they?”“A native of Dakhsina,” replied the ship owner in a low
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