Meet the Locals

“If you lose your temper so easily,” the father continued, ”believe me, our goals will never be accomplished.”

“I know, Father. I know,” the son agreed. “It's just, they... I don't know!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Or at least,” Ryvel continued, ”they could give us a traveling companion.”

Edwar finally opened his eyes and glancing with a frown at his son in disbelief.

The son shrugged. “To alleviate the boredom, of course.”

“Oh, God...” Edwar snorted and closed his eyes again. “No, you didn't say that to my face.”

“But, Father―”

“Stop blabbing, Son. I'm trying to sleep here!”

“Oh, whatever,” Ryvel muttered, shrugging his shoulders again and casting his gaze out the window.


“We're lucky,” said the ship owner, ”it's not snowing right now.”

“But this temperature still makes my feet feel like they're freezing,” said a man in the back.

“Otherwise,” continued the owner, ignoring the grumbling of the man behind him, ”it's not just your feet that will freeze, idiot.

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