A sect that relies on luck and destiny (Part 9)

Bai Feng was totally concentrated in his meditative stance as he tried to find the former chicken smell that he was used to, but this time around, he couldn't find that familiar smell anywhere!

Mo Pian tried to snap him out of it. He wasn't really sure what the owl wanted to do, but none of the animals from their back garden were normal. After all, they lived in a highly Qi concentrated environment, so they mutated to become extremely smart, just as humans were, some maybe even smarter than the average cultivator.

How did Bai Feng antagonize the owl? Mo Pian didn't have time to think about that as he grabbed Bai Feng by the shoulder and lifted him, making Bai Feng wake up and interrupting his meditative stance and making him cough up some blood.

This disoriented Bai Feng as he glanced at Mo Pian with a puzzled expression which practically said:

"Why have you done that?"

However, Mo Pian immediately pointed towards the sky, making Bai Feng understand what was happening as he recognized the owl.

While the Owl didn't stop from charging towards them. Leading down a barrage of birds' drops towards the duo.

Mo Pian helped the disoriented Bai Feng dodge everything as he asked him with an incredulous look on his face:

"What have you done to make the brown owl so mad?"

It seemed that Mo Pian had met with the owl before.

Bai Feng coughed. Making the rest of the blood that was stuck after the backlash splatter on the ground. After that, the owl from above started laughing as it enjoyed seeing Bai Feng's pain.

After what Bai Feng did with it while it was unconscious.

The owl got an extreme grudge towards him.

It was obvious from first glance, as it seemed that it only wanted to pay Bai Feng with the same thing that happened to it.

But it wasn't that easy. The owl actually waited for Bai Feng to enter the meditative stance before it attacked, as it wanted Mo Pian to break him away from the stance so he could get injured!

It was a rather insidious little critter but considering what happened to it. Bai Feng wasn't really surprised by its surface violence.

Mo Pian tried to enter the restaurant from the back door with Bai Feng when the Owl suddenly dived down from the sky and pecked towards Bai Feng with its sharp beak.

It was obvious from the angle that it came that it would surely hit Bai Feng in the head, and from the way, the beak glittered from the sunlight, that part of its body must have been the deadliest weapon that the owl had.

Mo Pian knew about the owl's attacking capabilities, so he pushed Bai Feng behind him before putting his hands forward.

He wasn't a Qi apprentice for nothing. Out of his hands came a small blue wave of Qi that encased the incoming Owl projectile and stopped it in its tracks midair a few meters away from making a hole into Mo Pian's hands.

Mo Pian sweated intensely. He took a closer look at the brown owl who almost perforated his hands and sighed while trying to pick it up.

He could feel the owl was a bit wet, and he could recognize the river smell from it from one smell away.

He looked towards Bai Feng and asked:

"You threw the owl in the river after what it did to you when you went to get the dirty pears?"

Mo Pian didn't know much about the owl's temper, so he guessed Bai Feng had only done this prank on it, but if he knew what Bai Feng actually did to it, he wasn't sure if he would have picked up the owl anymore.

Bai Feng sweated inside. He didn't really want to tell Mo Pian what he did to the owl as it would be quite embarrassing to talk about, so he just went ahead with what Mo Pian thought and nodded.

Mo Pian sighed, and he took a glance at the owl's expression, which looked to be quite maddened. It had a very human-like expression as it glared at its captor. And it seemed very likely that the moment that Mo Pian let it go. It would attack both of them instantly.

This made Mo Pian have a dilemma. He didn't really want to kill the owl as they had enough meat from the last gathering. Also, owl meat wasn't really tasty. So no one would buy it if they put it for sale.

He looked towards Bai Feng, who was also looking at the owl with an expression that told him he didn't want to see it die.

While the young man and the owl were enemies, that didn't mean they were life and death ones, Bai Feng knew from the owl's actions that it had intelligence similar to a human's, so he felt wrong if it killed it over a prank. It was obvious that he would react similarly if something like this happened to him.

He just wanted to get revenge for what happened back then as it made him look bad in front of Mo Pian.

He glanced towards Mo Pian and told him:

"Why don't you let it go?"

Mo Pian knew that's what Bai Feng wanted, but he responded:

"I would want to, but seeing from its expression, the moment I do so, it would attack us even more frenziedly than before."

Bai Feng knew that was the case, so he took another approach:

"Do you have any way to calm it down?"

Mo Pian nodded and said:

"Well, you could say sorry for what you did and maybe compensate it some way."

"After all, it's an intelligent being, so it should know that we can end its life right now, but we don't want to. I guess it just puts up this malevolent look at us right now to scare us and get more compensation that way."

The owl stopped glaring at the duo when it heard Mo Pian's conjecture, proving that what he said was right.

It didn't become any tamer than before, but atleast its threatening aura was finally gone.

Seeing that it wasn't going to try and kill them anymore. Mo Pian decided to unlock its Qi shackles and let it go.

The owl flew out of Mo Pian's grasp and high into the sky before it opened its beak and a human voice came out of it, starting to curse Bai Feng:

"You damn ******* and ******** I goddamn hate you! How could you do something so cruel to me after I just threw a few pears at you!"

Bai Feng sweated as he took a few steps backward. The owl could actually talk?

The owl seemed too embarrassed to say what happened to it, so Mo Pian still thought it was only thrown into the river where Bai Feng encountered the blue-haired water lady.

The owl shook its feathers which were now clean before glaring at Bai Feng and telling Mo Pian:

"I want the best food you have, given to me, from now on because of what he did to me!"

Mo Pian shook his head as he shrugged his shoulders and said:

"Don't bite more than you can chew, owl. At best, I can feed you the leftovers from our cooking training."

The owl wanted to bargain more with Mo Pian and Bai Feng, but Mo Pian put his hand up with a motion for the owl to shut up before saying:

"I know that what he did to you is something that angered you greatly, but you have to understand that he only did that because you antagonized him first for no reason, was your nest in that dirty pear tree? Or what?"

The owl looked down and shook its head as it said:

"No, he was just a new face, and I wanted to mess with him."

Mo Pian shook his head, seeing the owl not beating around the bush before saying:

"Since it's like that, I can only give you leftovers, and I hope you won't make any more trouble for my little trainee here, or else you would have to deal with me."

The owl nodded. Its plan had been seen through, and it didn't know how to deal with Mo Pian's Qi bindings, so he just decided to comply with whatever the man said. It didn't want to end up becoming food on their table.

Mo Pian then took out a little silver bell from his pouch and said:

"Whenever I strike this bell, I- or Bai Feng will come and throw some leftovers nearby so you can feast on them, do you understand?"

The owl nodded and flew quickly into the forest, Mo Pian shook his head as he told Bai Feng:

"I know this owl quite a bit as he used to do the same thing to me when I just came to the kitchen, and my cultivation base was lower. But as my cultivation increased, the owl started to avoid me as it realized it couldn't mess with me anymore. And it's just a little mischievous intelligent animal, and you shouldn't put to heart what it did to you."

Bai Fend nodded in understanding then decided to continue with his cultivation as per Mo Pian's instructions.

He returned under the tree's shade and went into a meditative stance before trying to find the same smell, but unlike before where he was interrupted suddenly. Now he realized that the smell of chicken was replaced with the smell of salad. It was very fresh and entering his nostrils even at this moment, seemingly as if the salad was being prepared right in front of his eyes.

This made him realize that the chicken wasn't the smell that he needed to find. But the smell of what he ate last.

The smell of salad was mixed with a little bit of the dishes he sampled the night before when he trained with Mo Pian, showing that his current physique wasn't there only because he ate the salad and if Bai Feng guessed correctly along with Mo Pian's conjectures which he started to understand a bit.

He would only resume his fat looks after his body gained enough Qi for him to meditate and use it to strengthen his body.

Bai Feng was concentrating on the feeling that he had before when he became thinner. And outside his perception, Mo Pian, who was looking at his unconscious body nodded. Seeing that Bai Feng's body was getting thinner once again.

This time around, he could actually feel the Qi in his body. Even though it was quite different compared to the usual cultivators, who exuded Qi from all around them when they cultivated, instead, Mo Pian had to use his consciousness power to search into Bai Feng's body to actually see where the Qi was going to.

This was a pretty interesting experience for the thin chef as well, as he learned about another way to cultivate instead of the normal way that the elders taught him.

Bai Feng woke up and looked down at his now skinny frame, it was a strange feeling as he got used to his in-between state and his fate state, but his skinny state was still quite new to him.

He sighed as he got up from his sitting position under the tree, and suddenly he felt a little bit faint as he leaned on the tree behind him. Only to leave a deep palm mark in the bark of the tree when he got right back up after he felt better.

Mo Pian's eyes widened as he gazed at the palm mark on the tree and then looked at Bai Feng's skinny body while saying:

"It seems your bodily strength had reached my level of cultivation..."

Bai Feng cocked his head to the side as he asked:

"What makes you think that?"

Mo Pian pointed towards the palm mark that belonged to Bai Feng on the tree, then waved his hand, and another palm mark of his hand's size appeared near Bai Feng's. They were both at the same level, showing that they had similar strengths in different cultivation trees.

Mo Pian decided to tell his level:

"I'm at the 5th stage of the Qi apprentice level, one level higher than Bido, the cronie that you pushed back so easily."

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