A sect that relies on luck and destiny (Part 10)

Bai Feng wasn't sure what he meant by that sentence. Was he at a high level or low level at this moment?

Bai Feng did know that the Qi apprentice-level was only the beginning of cultivation as it contained the word apprentice, but he didn't know what was after that.

Mo Pian shook his head, seeing that Bai Feng didn't have any reaction. He was quite a newbie at this, so he didn't understand the shocking fact that he had gained 5 levels of strength in a few days, which would usually take others years or even tens of years for the less talented ones.

Mo Pian was an old hand at cultivation, even though he didn't have much talent. So he knew how talented people were usually taken care of by the sect as they would be pumped with resources.

Bai Feng would live a way better life than what he was going through right now with Mo Pian.

Maybe he would even be paired with his sister under the same teacher due to their connection.

However, before he could say anything, Bai Feng's stomach started to growl as he became hungry after all the Qi and nutrients in his body ran through his body, strengthening it accordingly to the basic Qi training technique.

Usually, one would feel full of energy after a breakthrough in Qi cultivation, but it seemed the opposite for Bai Feng as he became famished afterward.

Mo Pian shook his head. It wasn't the time for him to think about Bai Feng's future. He would tell him about his prospects after he had his fill and talk it out with him afterward.

Mo Pian patted Bai Feng's now emaciated shoulder and got him inside the restaurant building, where he made him a full course meal that the young man ate in a matter of a few minutes.

After Bai Feng patted his flat stomach, he wondered when he would get fat again. This time around, after he finished the meal, he didn't even gain one gram anymore.

He looked the same as when he finished his cultivation session. His now silky hair stood free near his shoulders. His complexion wasn't greasy nor filled by fat anymore. So his face gained a sharp feel, but he still looked rather baby-faced, even though he lost all of his baby fat.

His clothes stood hanging on him because they were meant for the fat version of him. Seeing his current haggard appearance made Mo Pian wave his hands as blue threads left his fingers and made the clothes on Bai Feng's body a little bit more fitting.

Bai Feng nodded at Mo Pian, showing that he was happy with the clothes modifying, but he also asked:

"What will I do if I get fat again and the clothes rip?"

Mo Pian shook his head as he said:

"It won't be a problem. With a little bit of Qi, I modified them so they could go between the large and fitting state. They could be considered pretty neat artifacts by civilians. Even though this is something all Qi apprentices can do, and it's nothing special."

Bai Feng thanked Mo Pian before he turned serious and asked:

"I saw how you were thinking quite a bit after you saw my strength. What were you thinking about?"

Mo Pian decided to answer directly:

"I think you should apply to become an official disciple of the sect and not stay with me here at the kitchen. It would be way better for you as you would end up better, and you might even meet your sister earlier than intended."

"You would waste your potential here where I cannot give you many things that would help your potential blossom."

Bai Feng remained quiet through Mo Pian's words and he asked:

"Are you sure that I'm really talented? What if they reject me?"

Mo Pian shook his head:

"It's impossible for you to not be of relatively high talent. After all, you have the strength of a level 5 Qi apprentice even though no Qi is running through your body."

"This is a different cultivation tree that I'm not familiar with, but I'm sure the elders of the sect who have more worldly knowledge should know about your situation."

Bai Feng didn't mind the current situation, he learned how to cook properly, which was something he always wanted to do as he didn't want to rely on his sister forever, after all, she would one day marry and go to the house of her husband, while he would be left alone. But now things were different.

His sister did leave him alone, but not for marrying. However, his situation improved, and he was way well off than before.

He was content with what he had, and he didn't really want more, but he also missed his sister even though they didn't see each other only for a day or so.

In the former situation where she would have married. He could have visited her whenever he wanted, as she would have most likely married in their own village because they were situated quite far away from the nearest city and other villages.

But now, god knows when she would be let to visit him by her master. After all, cultivation was a long and dangerous endeavor.

Bai Feng didn't meet with any dangers yet, but he still felt that things weren't as easy as they seemed on the surface. His primal hunger after he finished one breakthrough was the first sign that told him that.

Mo Pian didn't go into detail about the perils of cultivation, but it was most likely because he himself didn't know, after all, the one who taught him what he knew did it only in passing as Mo Pian didn't show much promise after he trained for a quite the long while.

"What do you think, Bai Feng? I can get you to the former elder that taught me, so he could analyze your situation and maybe you could apprenticeship under him, most elders know each other, so if you ask about your sister, he would most likely know about her whereabouts, and what is she doing these days."

"You don't have to rush your answer, and I will wait for your response no matter how much thinking time you need. After all, it's your future you are going to decide about right now."

Bai Feng thought for a little bit under Mo Pian's gaze, as it was stated before, Bai Feng only wanted to live a quiet life, eating good food and having a good time on earth, he didn't think about gaining immortality, ruling over the masses or creating whatever kingdom under his iron fist rule like most immortals lusted about.

He just wanted to enjoy life to its maximum, and if he was honest with himself, he didn't care about immortality in general, if he died of old age, he wouldn't mind it if he enjoyed life to the maximum possible and he had a good time.

But this also extended to his sister. He wanted her to have a good time as he did by his side.

Not necessarily all the time, but he did want to see her from time to time as he knew her since he opened his eyes.

She was also half a parent after their mother and father died. She took great care of him.

If he was by himself. He would enjoy his life and rot away with Mo Pian in this little building while enjoying all of the food and dishes from their backyard.

But considering his sister's future well-being and happiness, he wanted to be there to enjoy it with her. He decided to bite the bullet and go along with Mo Pian's plan.

Bai Feng gave out his affirmation and Mo Pian smiled as he grabbed him by the shoulder and said:

"You won't regret it. The elder I got taught by usually frequents the 3rd casino building a few kilometers away from our kitchen, so it won't take us much time to get there, at most 10-20 minutes with our current strength."

"I'm gonna close the restaurant for a while, so you go get prepared mentally for meeting the elder. The elders of our sect are quite imposing and eccentric, so you shouldn't act rudely after we get into his presence, or he might not take you as an apprentice, even if you are very talented."

Bai Feng nodded and started to prepare himself while waiting for Mo Pian to finish closing the building and putting the sign closed on the doors. After a short while, Mo Pian leaves the building and nods towards Bai Feng as he starts to walk quickly towards the southern district of the sect where the casinos were along with the sect's entrance.

It took them as much time as Mo Pian said. They arrived at a red casino building with a sign which read big at the front 'Red Dragon Casino Number 3'. It had neon lights around it which were turned off because it was currently day and the sun was up in the sky.

Mo Pian sighed as he took a long look at the casino building. It seemed he was reminiscing some memories that he didn't really enjoy as his face scrunched up, but he took in a deep breath and entered along with Bai Feng behind him.

The attendant at the front who was supposed to check upon the identities of those who entered the casino narrowed his eyes as he looked at Mo Pian and said:

"Oho? Mo Pian? Didn't you say that you gave up gambling and you would never return to this casino ever again or any casino for the matter? What made you change your mind?"

The attendant was a petite young man with blonde hair and green eyes who wore a black suit. He had a gentle smile on his face as he questioned Mo Pian.

"It's none of your concern Klaus, but if you really want to know, I'm not here to gamble. Actually, I'm here to find elder Mang Chitong."

"You are here for our top VIP and owner? You know that it's not that easy to get a meeting with Elder Chitong, but because we were good friends while you were a customer here, I guess I can put up a word for you."

The young man didn't give Bai Feng even one glance as he smiled once again towards Mo Pian and left the front desk, entering the double doors that lead to the inside of the casino and where the gambling games were situated.

The young man waved through customers and the machines along with dealer tables to enter the back of the casino into a secret dark room where an imposing old man sat down on a brown sofa, smoking a thick cigar and enjoying a little bit of white wine while watching other people gamble through multiple water-like screens that floated around him in the poorly lit room, making sure there was no cheating. The old man had a long flowing brown beard and wrinkles all over his face, he wore a dark uniform that resembled a robe with the characters for 'casino enforcer' on the back along with dark shades, which made him look quite strange in the dimly lit room.

The young man bowed and fell to his knees as he said:

"Mo Pian, a former regular at the casino wants to meet you elder Chitong. What are your instructions?"

Elder Chitong finished the white wine before making the wine glass levitate out of view. He burned the cigar into cinders, and glanced at the downed young man, and asked:

"Mo Pian? Who is that?"

The young man continued to explain unabated by the elder's lack of acknowledgment about Mo Pian's existence:

"A former regular who gambled quite often at our casino. You taught him the basic Qi apprentice training technique because he wasted so much money out of pity."

The old man formed a fist as he put it in his palm while he made an 'aah' sound saying:

"Oh, that poor sap, I wonder why does he want to meet me. Does he think that I actually thought that he had any talent and he wants me to take him as an apprentice?"

The young man shook his head as he said:

"I don't think so, he seemed to be really done with gambling after he left back then, but he is accompanied by a peculiar young man that I don't feel any Qi from his body. Maybe he is here for his sake."

The elder nodded and said:

"I'm not particularly burdened by any tasks right now, and he did use to gamble and make us quite a fat profit when he was a customer, so I don't see why shouldn't I meet him, get him and that young man that's with him here. I will listen to what he has to say. For the time being, as I'm actually quite interested in what this little guy wants from me."

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