Good luck but bad talent

The blonde young man called Klaus bowed once again and decided to leave the room as he was instructed to bring the duo to Chitong.

He went back the same way he came and met with Bai Feng and Mo Pian at the entrance desk, where he smiled at the duo and said:

"It seems Elder Chitong is interested in what you guys want to ask of him. So he decided to grant you an audience."

"Follow me."

The young man walked through the double doors that lead inside the casino- and took the lead while he waved his hand behind him. Indicating for the duo to follow him.

Mo Pian patted Bai Feng's shoulder and said:

"Let me do the talking, Ok?"

Bai Feng nodded. It was Mo Pian's idea, anyway, so he decided to let him take the lead in talking. He wasn't sure what he could ask of this elder Chitong, as he wasn't really versed in the sect's system.

The duo followed behind Klaus without saying anything, but as Bai Feng glanced around, he couldn't help but have his eyes wander around. The well-clothed people gambling at the desks with cards or the people who were looking at relatively tall machines and pressing buttons while shaking their heads or even trembling due to anger were things that Bai Feng hadn't been able to see up till now.

It was a novel feeling that he hadn't had felt until now, interest in something else besides food.

He touched Mo Pian's shoulder lightly and asked lightly:

"What are these people doing?"

Mo Pian glanced in the same direction that Bai Feng was looking, and he shook his head as he said:

"It's not the time for that explanation right now. Gambling is something that's very addicting and hard to escape from once it gets you going. So it would be better if you didn't understand."

Bai Feng nodded in understanding. It seemed that Mo Pian was looking out for him by not explaining what game these people were playing, but that didn't mean the answer quenched Bai Feng's curiosity.

He still wanted to see more, but they moved rather quickly, so he couldn't observe how they played the game or what they were winning, so he didn't let his mind wander as the trio with Klaus in the lead entered the dark, badly lit room only to see Elder Chitong expect them with a big smile on his face, but not the smile that one that would see when an old friend met another after quite a bit of time.

It was the smile of a businessman, a merchant that wanted to see what he would gain from the next transaction. It was a smile that said, "I hope you have come with a good offer."

Bai Feng didn't know the intricacies of the smile, so he just smiled back while standing behind Mo Pian, but Mo Pian knew quite a bit about elder Chitong, even though they hadn't interacted much in the past.

Mo Pian gave the elder a respectful bow before introducing Bai Feng:

"This here is a new disciple to the sect that didn't go through the talent testing test, but as I taught him the basic Qi training technique and with even the lowliest resources that I got my hands on, he had reached the strength at the 5th level of the Qi apprentice stage."

Elder Chitong started to caress his beard, and a strange light could be seen glittering in his eyes if you looked more closely, but because of the dark sunglasses, that glint wasn't visible to the others. He looked towards Bai Feng and waved his hand, making Klaus and Mo Pian's bodies get away from Bai Feng's.

He got up from the couch and circled Bai Feng for a few seconds before glancing at Mo Pian, who stood at the side and waited for the elder's verdict with bated breath.


The elder murmured as his critical eyes scanned Bai Feng from head to toe and his eyes narrowed under his sunglasses before saying:

"He is rather unique, but not in a good way. Mo Pian, I think you have made a mistake. Are you sure he has the strength of a lvl 5 Qi apprentice? He doesn't even have Qi veins in his body to cultivate!"

Mo Pian didn't know much about cultivator anatomy and the needed organs to cultivate, so he wasn't sure what to say.

Seeing Mo Pian's speechlessness made the elder snort as he said:

"You have been in the sect for a few years, and you don't even know the basics. I guess it's my fault for not teaching them to you, so I shall make things clear for you right here."

He pointed towards Bai Feng, making his clothes turn transparent along with his skin. Mo Pian's body turned the same as a clear contrast was made between the two.

Mo Pian had white-colored veins in his body that pulsed with blue foggy Qi, but Bai Feng had no such veins in his body. Besides the normal blood veins, organs, and other things humans had, there were no such extra veins in Bai Feng's body.

Mo Pian eyes widened in understanding as the elder explained with his words:

"He is very unique, in general, people would have white-colored Qi veins in their body that they could use to gather Qi from the atmosphere and become cultivators. They would become the lowliest and last talented types, but they were still able to become cultivators, but in his case, he has none, so he can't become a cultivator at all."

"The thing is not everyone can sense Qi, even if they have these veins in their bodies, so that's why we take the brighter people in for cultivation. In his case, no matter how bright he would be, there is no way for him to take in Qi, and create a way for it to run through his body."

Mo Pian shook his head as both his and Bai Feng's body returned to normal and he took a step forward before saying:

"But he has the strength of a 5th level Qi cultivator, which means he can actually cultivate. I have seen him cultivate and take in Qi from food before becoming stronger!"

Elder Chitong glanced once again at Bai Feng, but he shook his head:

"He might have the strength, but he isn't a cultivator... but what you said is indeed quite interesting, I can make a more in detail analysis of him and see how this happened."

Chitong got a bit closer to Bai Feng before he put his hand on the young man's wrist and closed his eyes for a while. Mo Pian waited for the analysis to finish while Klaus was uninterested in what was happening and returned to the desk at the front door to wait for more guests.

In half an hour, Chitong opened his eyes and said:

"Quite interesting, actually I'm impressed."

Mo Pian sighed as he thought that Bai Feng passed the test, only for the next words coming from Chitong's mouth to stump him:

"Such luck, such a combination of events lead you to temper your body, becoming a body cultivator even though you do not have the talent even for that."

"The fact that you have eaten so much Qi filled food when you were young lead you to this situation, also being able to reach the strength of 5th level Qi apprentice in a few days since you have learned to cultivate... your whole accumulation for 14 years is gone now."

Mo Pian understood a bit about what Chitong was saying, but Bai Feng didn't understand even three words.

"You might not have any type of talent, but your luck is indeed very high. You broke through the limits of normality and made a cultivation path for yourself, even though you have been born with a body that didn't let you do that. The combination of young age and the fact that you have eaten this Qi-filled food daily let you reach this miracle... but as for your future, I cannot comment on that, mostly because you won't really have one."

Mo Pian's heart leaped from his heart into his neck. He who thought Bai Feng was talented, was hit on the head with this fact and this actually resulted in the young man being talentless.

Mo Pian's shaky voice was heard:

"Wh.. why wouldn't he have a future?"

Elder Chitong shrugged his shoulders as he decided to entertain his former top spender with some more information:

"Who knows? From his body, I can tell that this isn't his limit, but he accumulated 14 years of daily Qi food eating to reach the 5th level of the Qi apprentice stage. How much time do you think he would need to accumulate to break through farther in the future? Also, I know that you would think about giving him better food or resources. But who would waste those on a wild card like him?"

"Even if he worked himself to death, he wouldn't be able to gain so many resources to break through and extend his lifespan before he would die of old age, so that's why I said he doesn't have a future."

Mo Pian's knees started to weaken. He felt extremely bad for his friend, he thought that he crushed the young man's dream of reuniting with his sister after he told him all of those lies involuntarily, that he was talented, that he would surely meet his sister again...

Mo Pian truly wanted to see Bai Feng be happy, as a man that was formerly broken by gambling, he wanted happiness for those he related to, and it wouldn't have hurt if Bai Feng's success rubbed off on him so he could live well for the rest of his days.

But now Bai Feng lost any chance to meet his sister ever again, atleast until she decided to visit him. But who knew when that would happen? Cultivators of high talents cultivated for long periods of time, maybe the time she came out of secluded cultivation, Bai Feng would be a doddering old man nearing the foot of his grave.

And considering how Shredder acted around Bai Feng's sister, it showed that her talent was quite special.

Bai Feng didn't say anything as realization slowly dawned onto his mind, Chitong waited for Bai Feng's reaction, thinking that the young man would start crying, begging, or even saying that he would do anything to become a cultivator and reach immortality, most people were like this, trying to extend their lives for selfish reasons, or reason that they didn't even know yet, humans had the instinct to want longer lives. Of course, this didn't apply to every human, but those that could enjoy life's desserts would surely want to live longer.

Bai Feng was currently in a cultivator sect that had the best services possible. So Chitong thought that the young man wanted to enjoy them forever.

However, the next words stumped Chitong:

"You said that I have good luck?"

Chitong nodded, not knowing where Bai Feng was beating at, but suddenly his eyes widened as he said:

"Hey hey hey, you know that the casino can select its customers, right?"

Mo Pian knew what Bai Feng was thinking about after Chitong said those words, he wanted to use his luck so he could win enough wealth so he could cultivate further, but considering his luck was already seen through there was no chance the higher-ups of the sect would let him gamble anywhere.

Bai Feng felt disgruntled by Chitong's words, but the next ones made his eyes widen:

"While I cannot let you play the games at our casinos... why don't you join our dealer's team? You might even win yourself a pretty nice salary that might let you further your cultivation even in those conditions that you have."

Mo Pian didn't know what to say as he looked at Bai Feng, he didn't want his friend to work at a casino, but there was no way he would be able to keep up the expanses of his cultivation with the restaurant alone if Chitong's words were true.

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