Look Death in the face
The huge beast stood up on its hind legs rising to its full height. It was nearly ten meters tall and its skull alone was three times the size of Sarah. If it wanted, it could have crushed her like a bread stick.

"Shoot it now!" Ian yelled at Roland. The hunter didn't hesitate and quickly pulled the trigger followed by his men.

The darts crossed the clearing in a split second and hit the dinosaur's skin. Normally they would have had to stick deeply and would have had to narcotize the beast instantly. Instead they bounced off its skin as if they had hit a granite wall and fell to the ground useless.

The dinosaur didn't even seem to have noticed them. It lowered its head to Sarah and let out a snort.

Sarah didn't move a single muscle. Despite her fear, she still managed to think clearly. She knew that if she ran away the predator moved by its instinct would chase her; in that case she would have had no chance of escape. She had to wait until it lost interest in her on its own. The di
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