Anna Hickey’s eyes widened, and her voice took on a sharp edge. “Mrs. Davidson, this is absolutely unreasonable! The Malman Investment Group is a huge cornerstone of our success. They have provided critical funding, and their support has been integral to our growth. It’s impossible for any business to simply dismiss such a significant investment!”

Mrs. Davidson’s gaze remained unwavering. “Come on, Anna Hickey, I know it sounds crazy, but trust me, it is a decision that is for good.”

Anna’s frustration was palpable. “Why are you even requesting this of me? It feels like you have some ulterior motives behind this.”

Mrs. Davidson leaned forward slightly. Her tone softened but it maintained a persuasive quality. “Anna, something cannot be said right now, but I do so not out of selfishness but out of love.”

Anna Hickey's frustration reached its peak as she stared at Mrs. Davidson with a look of utter disbelief.

She spoke with a tone that dripped with disdain, barely concealing her irrita
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