Romeo Stormbreaker arrived at the headquarters of Mr. Michael Thorne's hotel company in an Uber.

As the vehicle came to a stop in front of the sleek glass building, he noted the sophisticated design that contrasted sharply with his own understated attire.

Stepping out of the car, Romeo paid the driver. Despite his simple attire, he was still able to maintain a confident and dominant demeanor as always.

Once Romeo had paid the Uber driver, the Uber driver gave Romeo Stormbreaker a nod of appreciation, but Romeo barely registered it as he headed towards the relaxation spot which was situated at the right wing of the courtyard.

The relaxation spot, was an elegantly furnished lounge area with plush seating and modern decor.

Without any waste of time, he pulled out his phone, quickly dialing Mr. Thorne's number. The line connected, and a strained voice answered.

"Hello Mr. Thorne!"

"Hello, please can I know who I am talking with?" The voice on the other end was fraught with tension, de
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