Encountering Pirates

Three minutes later, a ship suddenly appeared in the range of Clover's sensors and Trudy immediately alerted clover of their arrival.

At this moment, Clover was in the cockpit making last-minute preparations. When he suddenly received news about the ship's arrival, Clover looked up from what he was doing and checked upon them.

The distance between Clover's ship and the approaching ship was several miles apart, and Clover could still not receive any visuals of the approaching ship. Still, a few miles was very short for interstellar travel, and in under a minute, the approaching ship had already gotten within a visual range from Clover's ship. That was when he discovered that it was not a single ship that was coming, but a small fleet of three ships.

These three ships were coming at a very fast speed and they were bound to reach Clover in under a minute. But they did not slow down.

Normally, in this kind of situation, it was common sense for flying ships to

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