The Turk Pirates

In the dark and boundless universe, four ships were present, with three ships facing off against a single dilapidated vessel that looked like it had gone through a storm before and wrecked. This damaged vessel belonged to Clover, and the remaining three ships were those who had responded to his distress signal and come.

Right now, the three ships were just a few kilometers away from Clover's ship and it seemed like they were in a standoff following Clover's warning shot.

On one end, Clover was watching the actions of the three ships prepared to fire his ready weapons at the first sign of provocation. As for the three ships, they were silent.

Ever since Clover's last transmission, they had not replied to him at all.

Right now, inside the leading ship of the three ships, in the cockpit, a group of alien creatures was gathered around, listening to Clover's words over the communication lines. These creatures were not like the reptilian Versilians instead, the

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