Battling The Turk Pirates

Inside the 'Going Broke', Clover watched through his screen at the three ships that had stopped some distance away from him. There were a few readings on the screen based on the specs of the ships that Trudy could dig up after hacking into their systems.

The three pirate ships did not know that Trudy had long infiltrated into their systems and was lurking after digging up information on their ships and the identities of the pirates while they were still trying to hack into clover's ship.

Trudy was a perfect artificial intelligence life form created by the highest level of information science technology available to the Universe Immortal Clan. Her capabilities trump every other common artificial intelligence in the universe, so it was a piece of cake for her to infiltrate the systems of an ordinary pirate group.

From the very beginning, ever since the pirates had come within range, Clover had been monitoring their movements using Trudy, who infiltrated their syst

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