Houndclaw Space Station

Clover made up his mind... he was going to gamble for his own survival.

With his mind made up, Clover immediately started giving instructions to Trudy.

"Trudy, are you there?"

"Yes Clover, I'm always here."

"Good," Clover responded.

"Listen up Trudy, we are going to make a big move. I'm sure by now you already understand our current situation. You should also know what we need to do if we want to get out of this alive."

"I'm aware, Clover," Trudy answered.

"I've already run the calculations and have come to the conclusion that our chances of surviving this ordeal are less than 3%. Our current speed is already too fast for the ships to handle. If we were to be forcefully flung out right now and crash into another fast-flowing current without the shields to protect the ships, we will suffer from hull integrity. This could lead to the river water flowing into the ship and causing further damage. In the end, the worst-case scenario is tha

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